Heya Cornpops,
We actually have been doing something about it and your reports are helping us with this process. We will not announce or let you know what the outcome is, but we can assure you something is being done. As Bashiok has also stated, what we have been working on here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2228415417?page=1#2
▲▲ I believe Danvers, said it best. If we made announcements of our actions, bots will already start working on their next plan to circumvent it. Not to mention, that we never provide information on the actions that have been applied to other accounts or closures on any account in the past. You always just read about it on the forum from the multiple players that comes back asking, "Why was my account banned?"... As a fellow Pvp'r Pendergrass, I can truly understand your frustrations in this matter, since I Pvp 7 days a week. It takes time for us to do this, a simple click use on the Afk report feature goes along way, even if they are using a smart bot to avoid the Idle debuff. We still receive these reports and they are dealt with, it may not be right away and they might get away with it for now, but that is short lived. |