There is no doubt 100's for threads about this and yes I know this but want more and more threads about it so it will get changed!
My problem is this, my hunter hit 85 a while back and at ilvl 290 ish I could do around 10k DPS on instance bosses. Now after grinding many, many normal instances 328 and hitting around 15k DPS on instance bosses. This is far more than I see most people in random HC's on my tank do, yet your dumb instance requirements still say im too freaking low...
The fact is that the dps/tank/healer players this "Min requirement" is meant to make them better suited to random HC's will still fail at there role even if there ilvl was 429. An yes you can get a fair amount of 333's from quests, but they are quests that are allways the end of a long line of quests and really I can not be arsed to do them on a 3rd & 4th char. I recomend removing it or lowering the number drasticly cause it kinda takes the biscuit as it is.
This is not the way to go about doing things if you want us to take your feedback seriously! Trying to flood the forums with multiple threads on the same topic to rally more players to “join the cause” is not constructive, and the attention you will get from doing this is not the kind of attention you want! If you feel something is important and needs changing, and you wish to make a post explaining why that is, the first thing to do is to check if there is an existing thread on that topic... basically you search before you post as described in the Forum Guidelines: If you cannot find an existing thread on the topic you wish to discuss, that is when you create a new thread about it! Pro tip: It is easier for us to identify issues considered important by players if the majority of feedback on said issue is posted in a single thread. In addition, if all feedback on any given topic that is considered important by players exists in a single thread, it makes it easier for us to gather that feedback and forward it to the developers. Also, as an extra bonus, it is much easier for the less vocal forum users to up-vote(like) single threads containing a lot of good feedback they feel is important and should be noticed. |