I got an unused cata collectors key here that I want to sell ingame for gold
is that allowed? As it isn't attached to an account nor am I trying to sell it for real money I can't see the problem but I thought I'd ask
I don't even know what it is worth ingame but it's better that it goes to someone than to sit here unused
For gold? No, it is not perfectly okay to do that. Doing so would be a violation of our Terms of Use. Virtual property <-> Gold Real World products <-> Real world money The Collectors Edition of Cataclysm is a real world product and therefore cannot be exchanged for virtual property. I'm sorry, Vâleska, you could give the product to someone or sell it on Ebay or something but exchanging gold for it would be a direct violation of our policies. |
Right what? The pets and mount purchased through the Blizzard store are not redeemable in-game, therefore they may not be traded for virtual property (i.e. gold). O.o |