I dont know how to name this problem or where it should be so I'm putting it here under this inaccurate title that closly yet inaccurately depicts my problem. when the black friday specials came around a friend of mine was interested in buy wow but didnt have the money, and was actually unsure if it' be a wise investment, so I bought the first 2 game, vanilla and bc, and cause I didnt know his email address I made him one under his name and actually gave him the info. all these months later he told me he isnt interested but another friend of mine is. my question is if I could give this friend the account and he changes the info to if him since this was meant as a gift.
please no troll responses.
I'm afraid not, Sternrage. The registered name on an account can only be updated in cases where your name has legally changed. As others mentioned, an account cannot be gifted. If your other friend wishes to play, I recommend sending him a recruit a friend invitation so that he may try the game before purchasing it. Recrui-A-Friend http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20588 |