Recently I was name reported for the name Kickassness. While I can see how that would be reportable, I found an item in the game with an equally offensive name called Gloves of Unmitigated Badassery. Anyone else feel that if there is an item called that but I can't be named Kickassness might be silly?
No, the difference is players are governed by the Terms of Use, the game is governed by the rating it has which is determined by the ESRB.
We do, rules are entirely different between content in the game and the guidelines players must follow. Content, which must adhere to a specific rating system can only contain specific levels of "violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language. " This is something that we control and maintain in order to retain our Teen rating.
I have to call shenanigans on that one, Roija. Mind giving me the character name and realm of your friend? I'd be happy to look into the validity of that story. |
As I said, the rating this game holds allows a certain amount of : "violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language. " This allows our Developers to create characters and dialog that are more real. Quests and quest content that has an element of humour to it. While this is something that our Developers can control from the content side we are unable to place those same limitations on players. How would you put a limit on the number of times a certain would can be used within a given period of time by players? Think of it this way, in movies and TV shows there is dialog as well as a number of activities that are permitted while still maintaining their PG-13 rating. Those same actions and words though, would likely not be permitted by that 13-17 year old's parents.
Exactly, or that it did not happen in the way that Roija was told. :) |
Beautifully said, Lynarii, and I think we'll leave it with this. <3 |