We have received the complaint regarding your:
your account Involved in illegal transactions.
Technically We can found all of the Account abuse,but our not hope any one's Account locked.
However So many Customers complaint your account, they force us to contact you for resolve the abuse. If we are compelled to lock your account by the US Marshals and by US law, we will have to do so or face extreme consequences. So please ASAP login (website, I heard your not allowed to post the website on the forums) to Verify your account and resolve the issue with 48hours.
Best regards,
Breanne “Cari” Carlson
Brazil Account & Billing Department
Blizzard Entertainment.
I lol'd when it said US Marshals and US law. Anyways I've been getting emails like this for the past month, the only reason why I think this is a fake is because I put the real blizzard emails in my junk mail, however they seem to get smarter.
That e-mail was not sent by a Blizzard Representative, Heygorgeous. I'd ask that you forward that e-mail, headers and all, to our Hacks Team at: [email protected].