First off, this is not a qq thread or anything like complaining this is only pure observation and nothing more.
Even when you are following the rules of the vote kick and are doing what you are suppose too, groups that have 3 or more players from the same realm can kick you, ignoring this so called 30 minute timer before a kick.
So what is it that makes people able to vote kick someone even though they have done nothing against the vote to kick rules. AKA not d/cing, staying in the instance, doing their job.
The only thing else, after testing this theory out several times, that can allow people to votekick another player is by typing in party chat.
After extensive research and lots of in game testing I have found that, certain keywords said in party makes the rest of the group able to kick you EVEN though you are abiding by the other rules. This has been proven again and again in several cases, in pure pugs, groups, etc.
If you are a sceptic, or a non believer try it out for yourself.
If you have something intelligent to say, or something to contribute please comment, if I am missing something that is related to this topic, let me know. But the evidence is right there staring me in the face and I'm not going to ignore it any longer.
This is no incident involving me, this is just data from dozens of people
The situations you list don't make you immune to vote kicks. If the people in your party don't commonly kick others, and have the ability to come to a general consensus, they can kick you for no reason (if they really wanted). But, that will impact their ability to kick others in the future. My guess is that you happened upon multiple groups that don't commonly kick, and you gave them a reason to do so. |