I would like to know where I can find the official PvP ladders for rated battlegrounds and arenas. I went to arena junkies and found some ladders there but sometimes those seem out of date. Can anyone help me?
I'm looking to see if hunters are high rated in BG's. It appears they are under-represented in Arenas but I thought they were strong in BG's. The top 100 rated battleground players on arena junkies contain NO HUNTERS... this can't be right. Can I get a link to the official ladders please?
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/pvp/battlegrounds/?page=1 |
While you will certainly find players who have that mindset, and will readily reroll or keep a stable of characters simply so they can have what they perceive as a strong character available at a moment's notice, you might be surprised by how rarely that occurs. Players definitely have preferences, and when you're looking at a ladder like this, it really is valid to consider how many players are playing each class overall. Hunters, for example, really do have some natural strengths in Rated Battlegrounds; but there are also many fewer active hunters than there used to be. It can be challenging to get the most out of the class, there's a very high skill cap, and the community hasn't exactly given the hunter class a reputation as a PvP powerhouse - whether that reputation is deserved or not. |