I bought an authenticator after
a. visiting Japan and attempting to play and being locked out;
b. having large troubles and being hacked after getting home.
Since that time, I've had a huge amount of login issues - especially with the advent of Cataclysm and the most recent patch.
I have 12,000 or better latency at least 40% of my use (which makes the game unplayable) but my ping and local use are clear as a bell.
Now today, because of the "authenticator servers" we're totally unable to login.
Blizzard asks us to purchase an authenticator to protect our account (and give them an additional $6.50) and then provides absolutely awful server service, how fun.
Commence flaming and excuses!
Have you contacted Technical Support to see if there are troubleshooting steps you can do to help your connection issues? Start here: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/1011701/ If the troubleshooting steps and advice found there does not help contact Tech Support directly.
As the others pointed out you are misunderstanding the vast difference between an Authenticator and our the Authentication servers/system. Technical issues happen, if we could prevent anything from ever going wrong we would but how much you pay or how much we make does not guarantee that, it doesn't even make it remotely possible. We address what issues that occur as quickly as possible, this one was addressed within an hour. I'm sorry for what inconvenience this may have had for you but posting a directionless complaint based on misinformation isn't very helpful. |