I'm glad to see they banned one version, but there must be so many bot programs out there now.
I'm in Uldum mining and there's bots everywhere. Please get them Blizz.
Yes, there are multiple ways to exploit and cheat, Nerfitall. Unfortunately, addressing one does not necessarily lend itself to dealing with others. And, no matter how many of something you catch there will always be the myriad of "well what about this, why don't you do something here". As we have stated, numerous times, we are always working to address these situations. We don't like this behavior any more than our players do. |
I can only ask a simple question in return, Ciarge, as I am not at liberty to discuss any aspect of our methods. How do you know what we have or have not done in our effort to addresses these matters? :) |
It is absolutely worth report any possible bots that you find, Nerfitall. I know it can be frustrating but I can assure you that we value these reports and we do use them to not only investigate individuals but also use them to help with the overall investigation. |