The very sucessfull "Ask a Dev #1" thread reached it's limit of 26 pages (damn is that bug STILL in the forums??) and some kind soul from the community created a second thread so that it might continue. (I don't know how to do the fancy quoting thing. possibly I can't as it is a locked thread but I will attempt to pull off as close as possible)
Unfortunately we will not be collecting questions from other threads. Since we've now passed the 9:30am deadline, please now go through the pages of the original thread and vote for the questions you'd most like to see answered
My opjection is not so much the locking of the thread, more the ignorance of Wryxian in not even providing so much as a thank you to the OP of the second thread for DOING THE BLUES JOB FOR THEM! and creating the second thread so that the questions could continue.
Frankly this shows poor form. The least he/she could hve done was acknowledge the effort even if the results were going to be the same. Seriously dude.. manners cost nothing.
No I am not mentioning a blues name to het hits and replies, I am mentioning a blues name in the hope that this message GETS to him.
Note to which ever Blue locks this: please pass on the sentiment of this post.