Thread limits are back in effect which means the thread was locked sooner than we expected by hitting the post cap. Go ahead and take this time to vote on the questions already posed. We'll use the thread cap for future Ask the Devs instead of an end-of-the-day timeline.
Sorry for the miscommunication, we didn't know the thread limits had been fixed and had anticipated manually locking it at the end of today. |
It's the limit that has always existed on the World of Warcraft forums, and we've seen it serve us very well for these many years. |
Can't vote on locked threads. :\ We need the votes still. I edited the OP multiple times to call out the cap. |
Yup, next time. We'll have to evaluate when we open them but they'll always be on a Monday. Also, keep in mind that as this is a global Q&A we'll be answering questions from multiple regions. Just because you don't see your question asked here in the NA thread, doesn't mean someone in Taiwan isn't asking it, or Italy, etc. etc. |
I disagree entirely. Now that everyone knows they're coming I believe many will have very well drafted questions prepared in advance. |
It's pretty easy, actually. |
Well we've learned a lot from this first round. We're waiting for some of the other regions to report in but we have a good selection of questions to get answered. One thing we had originally planned in the initial discussions of starting this up was to theme the weekly questions so as to give some direction to what the topic will be. It was sort of put aside to see how the base idea would work out without any theme to drive the topic of questions. This first round of what people asked and especially what large numbers of people actually vote for has shown us it's something we'll in fact need to use.
For example, the #1 most voted for question on these forums? "What is your favorite escape/distraction when you arent working on WoW?" By far it got the most votes. It sort of indirectly reveals a flaw in a 'sky's the limit' approach for what can be asked. It puts us in a weird spot because you all voted for it! But at the same time most people would probably be pretty upset if we took the time to answer it over something with more substance. Hopefully we can guide future Ask the Dev's to have more substantive questions by providing a topic to stick to. |
Neither of those are actually the issue being discussed and neither directly resulted in any issues with the thread. If someone asks multiple questions in multiple posts, each of them valid, and they're voted up and answered, how is that a bad thing? You could probably argue that repeat questions were a waste a space, but there's little we can do to help that with the way the caps work currently. Hopefully they can be improved, though. |
Totally. Very accurate description, and a good reason for us to guide the questions to specific topics. We probably won't do class specific Q&A's, it'd just take too long to rotate through them all and the information to remain pertinent, but something like focusing on the class roles should work out. |
Larry? Is that you? Larry... where have you been? I've been growing my hair for you. |
A koala bear. His name is Larry. |