I am a paying customer if I have an issue with the product I should be able to speak to a representative in a timely manor... 1-3 day wait time is absolutely ridiculous.
I have had issues where I am in a dungeon and DC and it says dungeon server cannot be found so because of this I cannot log on my main character... So I have to wait 1-3 days to get this issue resolved where I can play again... Am I going be refunded my money for those 1-3 days?? NO well I should be....Blizard stop pretending to care about your customers with your little satisfaction surveys... I have even had times where I have waited 1-2 days and were on when my ticket said will be reviewed shortly... Then 5 minutes later its cleared and I am asked to fill out a survey. You do not treat customers this way.
I understand GMs are volunteers and there isn't a set depart of people taking over tickets, But as large as this game as become and the amount of income you are getting from us monthly. We deserve for you to allocate funds to have a set department handling tickets. 1-3 hour Wait times are reasonable 1-3 days IS NOT!
Welcome to the Customer Support Forum, Boomua.
First of all I want to address your misconceptions of our Customer Support Departments here and now. Our Game Masters work in-house and in-house only. We do NOT outsource nor do we have volunteers that answer petitions. Game Masters are here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Yes, that means those days when you are spending time with your family enjoying the holidays; our Game Masters are here, addressing tickets and player concerns. Account Services and Technical Support agents are available to speak to 7 days a week from 7am PST to 8pm PST, on holidays as well.
Uh no they don’t. See my response above, sugar pie honey bunch.
Again, let me set the record straight. The only ticket I see in relation to your description above was created in January, not recently, and the ticket was ABANDONED by you. And the character that you made this request on was the character you are posting under, not a level 1 toon. Stuck issues are prioritized, Boomua. We want to get our players back into the game as quickly as possible, yet it may take an hour or so to get to one of these issues. Sometimes it can take even longer. But I have never, in all my years with Blizzard, ever seen a stuck issue take longer than a few hours to resolve. Had you not closed your ticket you could have found that out for yourself. |