Hey, So I've decided to start grinding for the Winterspring Frostsaber on my DK. I am currently level 75 but I cant access the first quest from Rivern Frostwind so I could start grinding rep. I've looked all over if I need to do some prequests or something but I cant find anything. I now decided to check here if other people are having the same problem as me or is there something I need to do before in order to acces the first quest from him? And yes my DK is alliance.
In patch 4.1 we will add a new quest chain to Winterspring for the Alliance, which will be similar to the Horde quest chain found in Un'Goro Crater. This means that obtaining the Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber for Alliance players should be somewhat similar to the way that Horde players get the Whistle of the Venomhide Ravasaur... or atleast that is the idea :-)