What plans, if any, does Blizzard have to address the imbalances in Pvp created by Boa equipt players?
I feel I have been concerned and vocal about this issue for a few month now and havnt heard anything from you guys. Boa is much more the norm that the exceptionn now and its really not fun for a veteran like me or a new players to compete against players with kills to deaths ratios like Boa gear players have.
1) The pace of the game is too fast for a regular player to keep his gear updated anywhere near the quality of BoA
2) Boa provide stats that are very rare at lower levels and fill slots that are rare or non existant at certain levels. Often times items with these rare stats are not equalivant to the Boa item.
3) Boa provide the maxium desired bonus for that level were as someone who geared through content would have a mix and match of what he/she was able to attain.
4) Boa only need to be enchanted once while regular players will be changing gear and thus not likely to enchant especially at low lvls.
I'd be very greatful if I could get a response. Oh and please look at priest shields and scream duration in pvp too..Thanks!
Right. I do apologize that you're having a frustrating time going up against others, but as you stated it's because you're unable or unwilling to obtain the gear to remain competitive, as well as being insulting to those that do. In there somewhere there is some constructive feedback, and in the overall I'd say we agree that the improvements that came with Cataclysm to leveling didn't always keep PvP in mind, and that's something the designers have actively discussed addressing. |