I know you see /RAGE I QUIT posts on an all too regular basis and I'm sure any form of "I'm Quitting" posts, at this point, are nothing more than daunting and unnecessary. But I wanted to tell you that I am leaving this beautiful universe you have created simply because I've personally attained the goals I'm capable of achieving and I've grown very bored. I've been playing WoW for around four years now and I've had countless hours of fun; I would not take back that time for anything. Hell, I even went through a stint of alcoholism that, as silly as it sounds, was cured by devoting all my free time to WoW instead of the bar.
The purpose of this short and seemingly pointless thread is simply to tell you I'm not leaving because of anything you have[n't] done. I know I'm just a number, a small decimal of a percentage of your player base even, but if you happen to notice on February 28th that your subscription has lost another person know that it's not you, it's me.
And for the record I may be back someday so no, you can't haz muh stuff.