Okey, so, I took a break off due to being hacked, and decided to reactivate after getting my authenticator. Well, it's here... except I'm having the same problem I had before I got hacked: Entering my info at login, then getting insta-dced.
I tried logging on tonight, with authenticator, only to have it happen again.
Firewall? Modem (I play at school at the moment)? Hack? Little help?
Playing at a school suggests they may be locking you out from the game, intentionally or not. Talk to the network admins and verify you have the following ports allowed in and out of your pc. World of Warcraft uses TCP port numbers 3724, 6112, 6113, 6114, 1119, 1120, 80 and 4000 to play and UDP port 3724 for in game Voice chat. Also please note the Blizzard Downloader, which downloads patches, also uses TCP 3724. If it's not that, it could also be a malware infection. Run a few scans to ensure your system is secure. When you run the scans, have the World of Warcraft launcher started and type random letters into the account name, password, and authenticator fields if applicable, without hitting the Login button, just leave the program running like that while you scan. Malwarebytes to scan the computer: http://www.malwarebytes.org/ A-Squared download: http://www.emsisoft.com/en/ Avast Free Antivirus: http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download Norton Power Eraser: http://security.symantec.com/nbrt/npe.asp?lcid=1033 Microsoft Security Essentials: http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/ ________________________________________________ Account and Technical Services Mon-Fri 12pm-8pm Feel free to rate my services at the following link: https://www.surveymk.com/s/T8S7BX2 |