Dear Blizzard,
I am sure that this has already been brought up tons of times, but I can´t find any response from you or an indication how you feel about this.
Please give us the opportunity to have three specs at a time to switch between.
I would like to switch between Combat and Assassination in raids and use Subtlety in pvp without having to visit the trainer to unlearn talents every day.
I am sure you would make a lot of players, if not all, very happy with this. I can´t think of a reason why this would hurt the game.
Thank you for reading this.
Yours sincerely,
Having tri-specs would certainly make talent trees rather trivial and talent builds less meaningful. We implemented dual specs in order to make it less painful to switch and play multiple aspects of the game, which was especially a concern back in the day for hybrid classes and people who enjoy both PvE and PvP. We want the game to be fun, but we still want some choice and decision-making and deliberation to be involved when building your character. |