- "Defense" keeps opening whenever you open the character interface.

- Gaining a new achievement in a chain, such as the Cataclysmic Gourmet or the leveling achievements, changes the date of the previous one.
- Using AoE accidentally murdered a Cinderbloom in Tol Barad, lol. (http://i.imgur.com/uAfox.jpg)
- The achievement Let's Do Lunch (http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=5475) doesn't have the quest "Stealing From Our Own" tagged when you complete the quest nor when you complete the achievement.
- The achievements Grand Master Fisherman and Illustrious Grand Master Fisherman have different achievement chains. Fail. It's the same with First Aid achievements.
- The achievement Explore Tol Barad (http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=4867) still doesn't work. You can't explore the mini-dungeons; D-block, Cursed Depths, The Hole.
- Sandstone Drake doesn't have a roar to go with its animation.
- Dalaran Brilliance (http://www.wowhead.com/spell=61316) makes the animation over pets when it is cast even though they don't get the buff, as intended.
- Having

- Channeled spells can be interrupted by pressing Esc. Not sure if this is intended, but either way I don't like it.
- Lua error every time you invite someone to a group or join a group. Same when you leave a group.
- When a group is disbanded, the see-through black background behind the player icons does not disappear.
Thank you, that is all for now.