Since this is the first time it happened i feel it deserves a topic.
With the new patch blizz removed the exalted title from ppl with less then 50 exalted titles.
In case you are wondering you used to get "the exalted" at 40 but this does raises a question.
Since blizz just decided to up and remove the title from the people who already gained it.
Does that mean you are gonna do the same with the say mountain o mounts and remove the dragonhawk? Only to give it back to the ones who already had it when they gain 125 mounts?
I like my titles mounts vanity pets and whatnot. Are you gonna remove those as well?
to keep it interesting? Because i feel a bit shafted losing my favorite title now.
At this point in time we can't really say if other titles will have their requirements increased in a similar manner as what we saw with "the Exalted" title, but what we can say for sure is that careful considerations will be made before changing or removing other titles in the future.
We like "the Exalted" title a lot and we want it to keep its meaning and value as the game expands and grows over time. With Cataclysm we added quite a few additional factions to the game, so we felt it necessary to raise the number of exalted reputations needed in order to keep the title representative of someone who has become exalted with a great number of factions throughout the life of the game. We did consider creating different tiers or version of "the Exalted", which my good colleague Bashiok has explained quite well in a similar post on this topic: