Yea, when it first hit the radio and MTV, people were like "OMG Greatest Song EVER!!!!!"
In fact, Def Leppard lived off that song for a couple years.
Then, people got sick of hearing it on the radio. But nothing better was on the radio at the time. So they just kept listening to it. Wouldn't even bother changing stations.
Then it got old. People started getting bored with it.
Slowly, people gave up on the Sugar.
Then Metallica released the Black Album and the Sugar was offcially dead - only to be heard on Top 10 Rock Hits of the 80's Informericals.
Def Leppard went from an Arena rock band to a Casino rock band.
Metallica stomped on them and converted everyone to metal.
Wow is ripe for this at the moment. Any month now a new game will come out and kill WoW. When? WHo knows. But it's coming.
And it'll be sticky sweet...