Yes, I know this is a secondary profession, but the RNG involved is absolutely atrocious. After crafting my 5th "Delicate Music Box" and still getting numerous Fossil sites, even after having solved all of them, I am wondering what on earth Blizzard was thinking with this profession.
What was the reasoning behind making the hard cap 200 fragments? Collecting a bunch of them and mass solving is one of the few ways to keep your sanity as you run around the continent going *dig* *run a little* *dig* *run a little to the left* *dig* *run a little more to the left* *dig* *back peddle a few steps* *dig* *receive three fragments*. It is very disappointing that this is pretty much the only major change being done to the profession in this next patch.
1) If you have solved all of the commons and the rares for a particular race, the sites should no longer pop up. Period. I die a little inside every time I see a Fossil Site.
2) Once you are 525, the rate of common solves should go down as the rate of rare solves go up a LOT.
3) Increase the frequency of keystone drops or allow us to trade in keystones for one of another race.
A guildee solved three thousand, yes THREE THOUSAND, troll fragments and did not get "Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds". Do you know how many hours were spent farming for that? He finally said "eff it" and got the PvP two-hander instead.
I like running around and farming and such, but the rate of reward for the time invested is really rather ridiculous.
Blizzard doesn't even have the links enabled for the Archaeology items -_-
If you want to grind it out, it's going to be a grind. While the RNG of the tradeskill is sort of what makes it what it is there are some changes being thought of that could ease some of the more painful effects of just doing nothing but arch for days. Maybe getting a common doesn't have to be a total bummer, but a fractional-bummer, and maybe even just a 'dang'.