I think most of you are blowing this way out of proportion and need to suck it up and see it from his perspective, as he saw yours.
I agree with him completely, and i didn't get a "harsh or cruel" tone. I think most of you that are complaining came in during wotlk and got used to an easy game.
I came in, on my first account, the week of BC's release, and i had the greatest time i can remember in a video game. When wotlk was upcoming, i was excited. But after a few weeks, i was bored, and it was a rinse repeat even after the new instance releases. Nothing held up long as "challenging".
So yet again, i was excited about the release of Cata. Low and behold, there is actually challenging content. (Raids). I no longer consider ANY of the heroics challenging. If they are hard for you, good. That's how they were intended to be. You need a combination of gear + knowledgeable players in your party. If none of you know the fight, it's a great time to learn. Whether you shackle some attempts in, or you research the mechanics online. Hey, maybe ask in /gchat for tips!
Usually, all it takes is one person, no matter the role, to wipe the rest of the group completely. Whether it's a tank not holding aggro, not turning the boss an appropriate way. Or maybe its a dps who likes to stand in all of the damaging effects until he dies. Quite possibly, it's the healer who complains the whole time about how much healing sucks, yet continues to queue as a healer. Also, it's not about wasting mana topping everyone off. Read some of the fights who/when does damage go out. Do you really need to keep dps topped on baron ashbury in SFK?
I can queue randomly with no guildies, no friends, and finish every heroic i get in to. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I don't do gear checks, and i certainly don't /vote kick after a person messes up once. I understand that some people haven't had as much experience as i have in heroics, or maybe they have none at all. So i am patient, i'll explain what they need to do. Give them 3-4 solid attempts, and we usually come to the mutual agreement it's best for the group if they leave.
Of course you will come across a stubborn player who tells you he is going to wait for a vote kick and not drop because he doesn't want to take fault for his skill level. This is exactly the type of thread-ripper who is making the dev team look bad. The dev team has done a fantastic job with the expansion, minus the bugs which they will be fixing, and they should not be ashamed because a few players who were bottle-fed through wotlk can't chew the new meat.
I think you make some very good points.
Well, it wasn't a disaster(!). I think it still held some helpful information for those looking for it. If you approach it as a forum poster who had been bringing such topics up, I think you went into it anticipating to react to it a certain way. If you're one of the millions of people who don't visit our forums, but do visit the front page, and play the game, your interpretation might have been different.
I think that first sentence is probably pretty spot on in hindsight. I would disagree that it was unprofessional or poorly thought out, it's his (and our) job to converse with people and tell them how it is, how we expect it to be, see what they think, and talk about it after that point. It probably would have been unprofessional for someone whose job was not these things. |