I've been playing WoW since it was one flavor. I have quested I have sweated and I have read and survived barrens chat. But there is one thing that I am having a harder time surviving a harder time not being annoyed at and that is the vast presence of teenage and just generally immature players.
WoW makes a chat filter to protect those who would rather see *@*)@&$)(!_!&$& instead of a "bad" word. But, if you say a "bad" word and someone reports you then you get a slap on the wrist for it. Seriously are you serious why put a chat filter there if we will get slapped for saying a "bad" word. Also this game is rated T for teen but the ESRB states that online play can cause situations above these at times. We've all seen the trade chats that go awry or the general chats and felt the harsh stings of those slaps or time bans.
I'm not asking for something big I just think it would be nice if Adults could get a few servers where we can be what we are adult where saying a "bad" word doesn't cause a huge outcry cause to us its just a word not a mind shattering innocent killing moment in our lives that we must cry about. Also we are not then not stuck having to bend ourselves around not offending delicate little flowers who in my own opinion should be outside playing football or the other youth activities that 90% of us the adults did when we were that age. Also I believe it would offer us more richer questing, dungeon, raid, and guild experiences. How many times of you been stuck in a Heroic dungeon now with a kid that just was dragging the whole thing down or suffered through guild chats or raids with these emotional charged kids who think there all that and the center of the world? I mean I don't know about you but I'm tired of the kids complaining and not helping on these new Heroics who think there gear should just be handed to them. I enjoy the challenge but I don't enjoy being forced to suffer through Heroics with those who want it for free.
Granted yes I can see where some people are thinking this can be a bad thing. Oh you make an adult server people are going to turn it into something rated AO and talk dirty and stuff. Yes granted I can see that happening, but so what all the people who joined the server know that this is a server where bad words will be said where stuff like that can happen and so have no right to complain cause they were warned. I mean we pay 15 dollars a month to play shouldn't we be able to play how we are say what we want and not hurt the delicate eyes who have to cry wolf every time?
The profanity filter is not license to use profanity.
And this ^^ |