According to Moores law, Silicon based micro processors will reach their limit in processing power in the year 2015. Which means it will be the end of new technologies to video games... Until quantum computers hit the commercial market which probably wont happen until 2050 or something.
And in all honesty... the only reason why I'm a gamer is because of how exciting it is when revolutionary new features come out every year and we get some nice eye candy graphics or some really fun game play mechanics are implemented. (let's use an obvious example: World of Warcraft's new features after every expansion.)
Console developers have been stuck with old Xbox 360's and PS3's to develop games for... see how its starting to get old? the previous E3 was just a disaster with the Kinect and its mediocre family games and wii sports clones.
When the final consoles are released after 2015, what's gonna happen?
There are many reasons why this conclusion is silly, but, Moore's Law is simply about number of transistors doubling every year. What if it slows down to doubling every 1.25 years? The law no longer holds but advancements are still made. 2015 will not mark the peak of technological advancement or improvements in video games, consoles, computer hardware, etc.
2012 will. :O |