Yesterday I bought a new video card, the Radeon 5570. When I installed it, Wow was running great and I was getting 60+ fps on ultra, and over 100 with Vsync off. I logged on today and I'm only getting 30 fps on ultra, and have to turn it down to "good" settings just to get 60 fps. What gives? Nothing has changed from yesterday to today .
Our internal list of recommended settings lists the 5570 as using "Good". Using Ultra may be possible but it's not going to give great numbers. Run without any addons for a little while and see if it makes an improvement. To do that, with the game closed, rename your World of Warcraft\Interface folder to something else. Then start the game. it will make a new default Interface folder and put in the default internal addons itself. Use it like that for a bit. Afterwards, if you've determined the addons were not the cause, you can delete the newly made Interface folder and rename the one you renamed earlier back to Interface. That will set it back to how it was in the first place. ________________________________________________ Account and Technical Services Feel free to rate my services at the following link: |