I reallize some may not consider it ninja looting, seeing as its a dungeon finder, but there are tons of disrespectful players that come into dungeons and roll need on anything they want that theyre allowed to. For example, [A person]from server rexxar queue's up as a healer, then rolls need on Heroic tia's grace, which is a mastery+agility proc trinket. Learn some respect and ettiquete people, dont roll need on your offspec if its an upgrade for someone's main spec.
Correct. Though we do not recognize conditions like MS < OS or MS only, etc. . . . If you are using the Need before Greed system when you use the Dungeon Finder, if you have the option to roll Need on the item then you have the right to roll Need on the item, regardless of your current roll or if the item is technically better than what you are currently wearing. If you were under a Master Looting system outside the Dungeon Finder system and specific rules were stated and those rules violated we will look into any scam reports. As has been pointed out, only rolling Need for items that you can actually use on the current spec you are using is socially derived etiquette, it isn't a requirement by any means. |