Remember before WoW, in real MMORPGs...
When you could starve to death if you didn't eat often enough?
Raid bosses patrolling through starter zones, destroying low levels?
When if you couldn't get to your corpse, it would decay along with all of your gear?
Looting gear from people you killed in PVP?
Camping a boss, because there were no instances, and having to call your guildmates at 3am to get on and raid it before another group pulled him?
Whoever got exp for a kill was who did the most damage to it. Tapping mobs? lol.
Having to find your own spells. Class trainers? lol.
Mounts? lol.
There were more than just Tank, DPS, and Healer. We had Tank, DPS, Healer, Puller, Debuffer, Buffer, and CC. Yea - puller was a job, and a damn fine sight to see a pro at it.
And you people are complaining about having to CC something, and maybe interrupt an ability every once in a while? Cmon.. this game is a cakewalk and you are embarrassing the gamer community.
Back in the day, I used to play a MMUD, where if you were killed enough times your character ceased to exist. It took literally weeks and months to obtain a single level in that game too. Different games are... different. Personally, think that Cataclysm heroic dungeons and raids present a welcome challenge =). |
Speaking for myself? World of Warcraft, hands down, any day of the week. Those other games are still out there, and I don't play them, because I personally vastly prefer the experience that WoW has to offer. That's my opinion anyway. I guess thinking about all those old mechanics, and how (unnecessarily) brutal they could be, makes one appreciative for the present.
Oh there were a lot of things I had hoped to change. I'm not in a position to answer the question without naming the game and going into specific details. I'll simply say that the game wasn't approachable. It was a grind of mind shattering proportions, and that kind of gameplay, while appealing to some, was ultimately not for me.
I think discussion is good, provided that it remains constructive. There will probably always be those who will look back on the 'good old days' with lenses tinted a rosy red. Some players genuinely enjoy a truly monumental challenge. Others, want a different approach. I don't think it's possible to please all the people all the time, but it might be possible to please everyone some of the time, if you catch my meaning. I think it's always wisest to live in the present, with a firm grasp of a past and with an eye to the future. Some have said that Cataclysm brings a bit of the old classic World of Warcraft flavor back, and I find that's not entirely inaccurate. Hopefully most players who experience it will have a lot of fun, as I have. That's always the goal. |
I started playing World of Warcraft because it's fun, not because I thought it was easy. For me, there is a significant difference between those two concepts. While the kind of fun that I have has changed and evolved over time as I play new classes and new content, I still really enjoy it. Some of the changes have required some adjustment, of course, but for me, that adds novelty. Right now, there's a lot of push-me pull-you going on regarding Heroic Dungeon difficulty; some worry that instances are too difficult, while others fear that they'll be nerfed into mindlessness. It's my opinion that these opposing stances might be a bit premature because Cataclysm is still very, very new. I rather expect that dungeons will get easier. Not necessarily because they'll be altered, but because the tactics required to win will become common knowledge and the overall gear level of the players queuing will improve over time. For those fearing that the challenge will evaporate, raiding will, hopefully, prove to be a significant hurdle. Naturally, it's probable that those encounters will also seem relatively "easy" once players are fully geared and know the tactics backwards and forwards. By then, we hope to have new challenges ready. |