(Spoilers about Cata zones)
Okay, so, going from 80-85 through the zones Vashj'ir, Deemholm, Uldum and a bit of Twilight Highlands?
My character was captured or incapacitated six times. Six times!
First, she nearly drowned by virtue of a capsized ship, before the heroic NPC Shaman came 'round to save my life. Alright, fair enough, plate armor + swimming = ugh.
Then she was grabbed by Naga (whose hold must be immune to Hand of Freedom, Divine Shield, Hand of Protection and Hammer of Justice, and that's not even including non-Paladin abilities...) and nearly brought back to their vile lair were it not for the heroic actions of the shaman NPC.
Oddly, Deepholm went without being captured or nearly killed. A bit surprising, really.
Then in Uldum? Intro to the zone, bam, you're captured. By gun-weilding pymgy's and hyenas. Without a fight. I just came from a zone where I was beating down Stone Dragons and now I'm being captured by things more punt-able than gnomes. I have to be freed by another prisoner picking the lock.
Later, I get captured by Mr. totally-not-hitler-at-all, and just before he fires a rocket to kill me (which would bounce off of Divine Shield, of course), Harrison Jones comes around to heroically save my life. By kicking him in the back.
Then, with the same Mr. Honestly-I'm-not-a-%%!!-this-moustache-is-just-stylish having cornered me and Harrison, with the aid of two drakes, I have to get rescued by Brann, who... does something, not sure exactly what, because the cutscene bugged out on me.
And, finally, just going to Twilight Highlands knocks out my character. Admittedly, it had good comedic timing, so I don't mind it that much.
Any way you slice it, player characters are getting captured more often than a superhero's girlfriend. I get that you need to set up characters as being powerful and heroic, and the NPC Shaman curb-stomping Naga whenever you fight alongside him is a nice touch, but I'm really getting tired of being a Damsel in Distress, when, as noted before, I'm taking down Stone Dragons!
It makes for a far more interesting narrative when the main character/hero faces challenges and is in some ways beaten down or put in a grave/perilous situation.
It's not a great story without some highs and lows, and the lows are in most cases more important than the highs. Superman has Kryptonite. The Green Lantern has yellow. Garfield has lasagna. You lay weak and hopeless in the loose grip of swimming naga. |