Are the bans from the previous forums being carried over here, or do they get a second chance?
As many of you noticed, forum suspensions have not carried over to the new website and forums. We know for many of you, it’s a second chance. We wanted to remind everyone that a second chance is only as good as you make it. As always, violations of the Code of Conduct may warrant suspensions and talking about ban club (even past ban club) can be seen as a violation of the Code of Conduct. Please use your best judgment when posting, and we look forward to many constructive and fun discussions with you all in the future.
That 6 year necro... Obviously this information is seriously outdated, and does not apply to the present happenings in our forums. Necroing threads like this can lead to a lot of confusion for posters that don't realize these threads are quite antiquated - let's try to avoid doing this. :)
Per our forum guidelines:
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