wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
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Yoozku zdobył Parrotfeather Cloak.     
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liq spełnił kryterium osiągnięcia Saving for a Rainy Day.     
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Shadowlands Preview: Bastion and the Kyrian Covenant

blizz -> wysłany:

The next expansion, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, has been announced along with a reveal of a new zone—Bastion—and the Kyrian Covenant!

In Shadowlands, Azeroth’s heroes journey into the realm of the dead after Sylvanas Windrunner tears open the veil between life and death. As they explore four otherworldly zones—Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth—players will meet the Covenants that rule the afterlife realms in the Shadowlands. The first stop is the spiritual realm of Bastion.

Home of the Pure

When first arriving in Bastion, you’ll be greeted by elysian vistas, resplendent skies, gleaming spires, and ethereal sights. This paradisiacal realm is inhabited by the steadfast Kyrian, who safeguard mortal souls as they pass into the Shadowlands. If you wish to untangle the Banshee Queen’s nefarious plans, you’ll need to earn an alliance with them.

Bastion’s Inhabitants

Meet the denizens of Bastion.


The noble inhabitants of Bastion who shepherd the souls of the dead to Oribos so that they can be judged by the impassive Arbiter before being sent to their final destinations. Fresh arrivals to Bastion will become Kyrian Aspirants—wingless beings who train for eons to one day earn their wings and join the ranks of the Ascended.


Born of the magic of Death, these otherworldly groundskeepers and artificers keep Bastion pristine. Along with maintaining the realm, they assemble Centurions—the anima-fueled guardians that train Kyrian Aspiriants and defend Bastion. Each steward dotes on a Paragon and keeps mementos of their achievements. Perhaps you will catch their eye and they’ll pledge themselves to you!

The Forsworn

Rarely, an Aspirant will fail to complete a rite of passage. These once-bright souls darken and become lost, wandering the plains of Bastion to lament. Containing the Forsworn is key, for if left unchecked, doubt can spread like a disease . . .

The Centurions

A legion of anima-fueled automatons that drill Kyrian Aspirants in meditative combat as well as defend Bastion.

Praetor: These flying automatons are charged with training Aspirants who show particular martial promise.
Goliath: Unyielding bulwarks and powerful warriors that enforce order in Bastion.
Colossus: Eternal protectors, these guardians have stood watch and defended Bastion for ages.


As the Kyrian shed the burdens of their past lives, physical manifestations of their tormented thoughts are expelled from their bodies. Only by striking them down can the Kyrian cleanse themselves and achieve ascendance.

These are but a few of the entities you’ll encounter in Bastion. While adventuring, it's best to stay vigilant—you might even cross paths with Uther the Lightbringer and other long-passed heroes of Azeroth who now wander this world. . .

Kyrian Covenant

When players reach maximum level and have explored the first four zones, they’ll be able to pledge themselves to a Covenant, like the Kyrian. Each Covenant offers its champions abilities, along with other powers and cosmetic rewards that can be unlocked through a Covenant Campaign—an epic storyline unique to the faction—and other activities over time. This alliance also gives the player access to a Covenant Sanctum, a city only open to players who have forged a pact with its rulers.

Power of the Kyrian

If you choose to join the Kyrian Covenant, you’ll gain two unique abilities—one class ability used in combat, as well as an ability that allows them to maneuver through the world in a special way.

Here is the movement-based ability that the Kyrian bestow upon their champions:

Unburden: Dissolve into pure anima to increase your movement speed, slow your falling speed, and propel you forward. Greatly reduces the radius at which enemies will detect you.


When you join a Covenant, you’ll be able to undergo an ancient rite to bind your soul to some of its most powerful members. By doing so, your character harnesses their power, gaining access to powerful bonuses. Over time, you can unlock new tiers of power and even switch Soulbinds when strategy demands it.

Kyrian Covenant Spoils

For your contributions to the Kyrian Covenant’s cause, you’ll be rewarded with several cosmetic rewards including: a mount, a pet, Kyrian-forged armor, and back attachments that rival the beauty of Kyrian wings.

Kyrian Covenant Plate Appearance
Armor up with specially-crafted armor forged in the heart of Bastion (pictured: plate gear).

There are more mysteries yet to unravel in Bastion, and not all as it seems—a shadowy force threatens the peace in this realm. Perhaps some of Azeroth’s greatest heroes can champion the cause of the Kyrian and drive back their adversaries!

Rewards and abilities are still in development and subject to change, so be sure check back for periodic updates on as we approach the release of Shadowlands.