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WoW® Classic City Tour: Ironforge

blizz -> wysłany:

Finding trainers and supplies can take a little extra time to adjust to in WoW Classic, but we’ve got a handy guide to help you get around the dwarf capital city of Ironforge.

Quick Index of Locations

*Weapon Trainer: (3) There are two Weapon Trainers located in The Military Ward—Weapon Master Buliwyf Stonehand and Bixi Wobblebonk.

  • Weapon Master Buliwyf teaches fist weapons, guns, one-and two-handed axes and one-and two-handed maces.
  • Weapon Master Bixi Wobblebonk teaches crossbow, daggers, and throwing weapons.

Profession Trainers

Class Trainers and Supplies

Alchemy– Tinker Town (6)

Hunter– The Military Ward (4)

Blacksmithing– The Great Forge (14)

Mage– The Mystic Ward (11)

Engineering– Tinker Town (5)

Paladin– The Mystic Ward (11)

Enchanting– The Great Forge (16)

Priest– The Mystic Ward (11)

Leatherworking– The Great Forge (13)    

Rogue– The Forlorn Cavern (8)

Tailoring– The Great Forge (20)

Warlock– The Forlorn Cavern (7,9)

Cooking– The Great Forge (17)

Warrior– The Military Ward (4)

First Aid– The Great Forge (15)

Poison Supplies– The Forlorn Cavern (8)

Fishing– The Forlorn Cavern (10)

Stable– The Military Ward (4)

Herbalism– The Great Forge (15)

General Trade Goods– The Commons (2), The Great Forge (19)

Mining– The Great Forge (18)

Reagents Vendor– The Commons (1), The Mystic Ward (12)

Skinning– The Great Forge (13)

Tip: If you get lost at any point, don’t forget to ask one of the many guards located throughout the city for directions. They can point you to the Auction House, Bank of Ironforge, Deeprun Tram, Inns, Gryphon Master, Guild Master, Mailboxes, Stable Masters, Weapons Trainer, Battlemasters, Class Trainers, and Profession Trainers. They’ll mark your map with a red flag to indicate where you need to go

Full Index of Locations



NPC Type

NPC Name

1-Barim's Reagents

Reagent Vendor

Reagent Vendor

Barim Jurgenstaad

2–Fizzlespinner's General Goods

Profession Supplies

Trade Supplies

Fillius Fizzlespinner

Tip: When seeking out a weapon master to train a new weapon skill, keep in mind that each one specializes in specific weapon types. Weapon Master Woo Ping in Stormwind can train you in crossbows, polearms, staves, and one- and two-handed swords. Buliwyf, the dwarven weapon master at the Timberline Arms in Ironforge, teaches fist weapons, guns, one- and two-handed axes, and one- and two-handed maces. Bixi Wobblebonk, the gnome weapon master at the Timberline Arms in Ironforge teaches crossbow, daggers, and throwing weapons. Ilyenia Moonfire, the night elf weapon master, resides at the Warrior’s Terrace in Darnassus, where she teaches bow, daggers, fist weapons, staff, and throwing weapons.



NPC Type

NPC Name

3–Timberline Arms

Weapon Trainer

Weapon Master

Buliwyf Stonehand

Weapon Trainer

Weapon Master

Bixi Wobblebonk

4–Hall of Arms


Hunter Stable Master

Ulbrek Firehand

Class Trainer

Hunter Trainer

Regnus Thundergranite

Class Trainer

Hunter Trainer

Olmin Burningbeard

Class Pet Trainer

Hunter Pet Trainer

Belia Thundergranite

Class Trainer

Hunter Trainer

Daera Brightspear

Class Trainer

Warrior Trainer

Kelv Sternhammer

Class Trainer

Warrior Trainer

Kelstrum Stonebreaker

Class Trainer

Warrior Trainer

Bilban Tosslespanner



NPC Type

NPC Name

5–Springspindle's Gadgets

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Engineer

Jemma Quikswitch

Profession Trainer

Artisan Engineer

Springspindle Fizzlegear

Profession Trainer

Expert Engineer

Trixie Quikswitch

Profession Supplies

Engineering Supplies

Gearcutter Cogspinner

6–Berryfizz's Potions and Mixed Drinks

Profession Supplies

Alchemy Supplies

Soolie Berryfizz

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Alchemist

Vosur Brakthel

Profession Trainer

Expert Alchemist

Tally Berryfizz



NPC Type

NPC Name

7–Warlock Home

Class Pet Trainer

Demon Trainer

Jubahl Corpseeker

8–Rogue Trainer

Rogue Poison Supplies

Shady Dealer

Tynnus Venomsprout

Class Trainer

Rogue Trainer


Class Trainer

Rogue Trainer

Ormyr Flinteye

Class Trainer

Rogue Trainer

Hulfdan Blackbeard

9–Warlock Guild

Class Trainer

Warlock Trainer


Class Trainer

Warlock Trainer


Class Trainer

Warlock Trainer

Alexander Calder

10–Traveling Fisherman

Profession Supplies

Fishing Supplier

Tansy Puddlefizz

Profession Trainer

Fishing Trainer

Grimnur Stonebrand



NPC Type

NPC Name

11–Hall of Mysteries

Class Trainer

Mage Trainer


Class Trainer

Mage Trainer


Class Trainer

Priest Trainer

High Priest Rohan

Class Trainer

Priest Trainer

Braenna Flintcrag

Class Trainer

Priest Trainer

Toldren Deepiron

Class Trainer

Mage Trainer

Juli Stormkettle

Class Trainer

Portal Trainer

Milstaff Stormeye

Class Trainer

Paladin Trainer

Beldruk Doombrow

Class Trainer

Paladin Trainer

Brandur Ironhammer

12–Longberry's Reagents

Class Supplies

Reagent Vendor

Ginny Longberry



NPC Type

NPC Name

13–Leather Shop

Profession Trainer

Skinning Trainer

Balthus Stoneflayer

Profession Trainer

Expert Leatherworker

Fimble Finespindle

Profession Supplies

Leatherworking Supplies

Bombus Finespindle

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Leatherworker

Gretta Finespindle

14–Central Forge

Profession Supplies

Blacksmithing Supplies

Thurgrum Deepforge

Profession Trainer

Expert Blacksmith

Rotgath Stonebeard

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Blacksmith

Groum Stonebeard

Profession Trainer

Artisan Blacksmith

Bengus Deepforge

Profession Trainer

Special Weapon Crafter

Ironus Coldsteel

Profession Trainer

Armor Crafter

Grumnus Steelshaper

15–Ironforge Physician

Profession Trainer

Herbalism Trainer

Reyna Stonebranch

Profession Supplies

Herbalism Supplier

Gwina Stonebranch

Profession Trainer

First Aid Trainer

Nissa Firestone

16–Thistlefuzz Arcanery

Profession Supplies

Enchanting Supplies

Tilli Thistlefuzz

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Enchanter

Thonys Pillarstone

Profession Trainer

Expert Enchanter

Gimble Thistlefuzz

17–The Bronze Kettle

Profession Trainer

Cooking Trainer

Daryl Riknussun

Profession Supplies

Cooking Supplies

Emrul Riknussun

18–Deep Mountain Mining Guild

Profession Supplies

Mining Supplier

Golnir Bouldertoe

Profession Trainer

Mining Trainer

Geofram Bouldertoe

19–Burbik's Supplies

Profession Supplies

Trade Supplier

Burbik Gearspanner

20–Tailor Shop

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Tailor

Uthrar Threx

Profession Trainer

Expert Tailor

Jormund Stonebrow

Profession Supplies

Tailoring Supplies

Poranna Snowbraid

Profession Supplies

Speciality Tailoring Supplies

Outfitter Eric