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WoW® Classic City Tour: Stormwind

blizz -> wysłany:

Navigating the capital cities in of Azeroth is a different affair in WoW® Classic. Finding the trainers and supplies you need can take a little extra time to adjust to, so we’ve put together a handy guide to point you in the right direction.

Quick Index of Locations

*Weapon Trainer: (20) Located in the Trade District, Weapon Master Woo Ping can train in crossbows, polearms, staves, and two-handed swords

Profession Trainers Class Trainers
Alchemy- The Mage Quarter (3) Druid- The Park (10)
Blacksmithing- The Dwarven District (15) Hunter- The Dwarven District (13)
Engineering- The Dwarven District (12) Mage- The Mage Quarter (5)
Enchanting- The Mage Quarter–Canal Side (24) Paladin- Cathedral Square (11a)
Leatherworking- Old Town (19) Priest- The Park (10), Cathedral Square (11b)
Tailoring- The Mage Quarter (2 and 6) Rogue- Old Town (18)
Cooking- Old Town (16) Warlock- The Mage Quarter (4)
First Aid- Cathedral Square (11c) Warrior- Old Town (17)
Fishing- The Trade District–Canal Side (23) Poison Supplies- Old Town (18)
Herbalism- The Mage Quarter (1 and 9) Reagents- Cathedral Square(11c), The Trade District (22)
Mining- The Dwarven District (14) Stable Master- The Park (8), The Dwarven District (13)
Skinning- Old Town (19)
Tip: Don’t forget you can speak to one of the many guards located throughout the city to get directions. They can point you to the Auction House, Bank, Deeprun Tram, Inns, Gryphon Master, Guild Master, Mailboxes, Stable Masters, Weapons Trainer, Officers’ Lounge, Battlemasters, Class Trainers, and Profession Trainers. They’ll mark your map with a red flag to indicate where you need to go.

Full Index of Locations 



NPC Type

NPC Name

1–Outer Area

Profession Trainer

Herbalism Trainer


2–Duncan’s Textiles

Profession Supplies

Tailoring Supplies

Alexandra Bolera

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Tailor

Lawrence Schneider

Profession Trainer

Artisan Tailor

Georgio Bolero

3–Alchemy Needs

Profession Supplies

Alchemy Supplies

Maria Lumere

Profession Supplies

Herbalism Supplier


Profession Trainer

Journeyman Alchemist


Profession Trainer

Expert Alchemist

Lilyssia Nightbreeze

4–The Slaughtered Lamb (Basement)

Class Trainer

 Warlock Trainer

Demisette Clayce

Profession Trainer

Master Shadoweave Tailor

Jalane Ayrole

Class Trainer

Warlock Trainer


Class Trainer

Warlock Trainer

Ursula Deline

Class Pet Trainer

Demon Trainer

Spackle Thornberry

5–Wizard’s Sanctum

Class Trainer

Mage Trainer


Class Trainer

Mage Trainer

Maginor Dumas

Class Trainer

Mage Trainer

Jennea Cannon

Class Trainer

Mage Portal Trainer

Larimaine Purdue

6–Laron’s Clothiers

Profession Trainer

Expert Tailor


7–The Stockade Dungeon (Level 24-32)



NPC Type

NPC Name

8–Park Entryway


Hunter Stable Master


9–Outer Ring Building

Profession Trainer

Herbalism Trainer



Class Trainer

Druid Trainer

Sheldras Moontree

Class Trainer

Druid Trainer


Class Trainer

Priest Trainer

Nara Meideros

Class Trainer

Druid Trainer




NPC Type

NPC Name

11–Cathedral of Light

Class Trainer

Priest Trainer

Brother Benjamin

11a–Paladin Trainers

Class Trainer

Paladin Trainer

Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker

Class Trainer

Paladin Trainer

Katherine the Pure

11b–Priest Trainers

Class Trainer

Priest Trainer

Brother Joshua

Class Trainer

Priest Trainer

High Priestess Laurena

11c–Profession Trainer

Profession Trainer

First Aid

Shaina Fuller

Class Reagents

Reagent Vendor

Brother Cassius



NPC Type

NPC Name

12–Outdoor Area

Profession Supplies

Engineering Supplier

Billibub Cogspinner

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Engineer

Sprite Jumpsprocket

Profession Trainer

Expert Engineer

Lilliam Sparkspindle

13–Hunter Class Building


Hunter Stable Master

Jenova Stoneshield

Class Trainer

Hunter Trainer

Einris Brightspear

Class Trainer

Hunter Trainer

Ulfir Ironbeard

Class Pet Trainer

Hunter Pet Trainer

Karrina Mekenda

(second floor)

Class Trainer

Hunter Trainer

Thorfin Stoneshield

14–Mining Building

Profession Supplies

Mining Supplies

Brooke Stonebraid

(second floor)

Profession Trainer

Mining Trainer

Gelman Stonehand

15–Blacksmith Forge

Profession Trainer

Expert Blacksmith

Therum Deepforge

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Blacksmith

Dane Lindgren

Profession Supplies

Blacksmithing Supplies

Kaita Deepforge

Profession Quest Giver

Blacksmithing Quest Giver

Hank the Hammer



NPC Type

NPC Name

16–Pig and Whistle Tavern

Profession Recipes

Master of Cooking Recipes

Kendor Kabonka

Profession Trainer

Cooking Trainer

Stephen Ryback

Profession Supplies

Cooking Supplier

Erika Tate

17–Command Center

Class Trainer

Warrior Trainer

Wu Shen

Class Trainer

Warrior Trainer

Ilsa Corbin

Class Trainer

Warrior Trainer

Ander Germaine


Class Trainer

Rogue Trainer

Osborne The Night Man

Class Supplies

Poison Supplies

Jasper Fel

Class Trainer

Rogue Trainer

Lord Tony Romano

Class Supplies

Poison Supplies

Sloan McCoy

19–The Protective Hide

Profession Trainer

Expert Leatherworker

Simon Tanner

Profession Supplies

Leatherworking Supplies

Jillian Tanner

Profession Trainer

Journeyman Leatherworker

Randal Worth

Profession Trainer Skinning Trainer Maris Granger



NPC Type

NPC Name

20–Weller’s Arsenal

Weapon Trainer

Weapon Master

Woo Ping

21–Everyday Merchandise

Profession Supplies

Trade Supplies

Edna Mulby

22–Pestle’s Apothecary

Class Reagents

Reagent Vendor

Kyra Boucher

Class Reagents

Arcane Goods Vendor

Keldric Boucher

Tip: When seeking out a weapon master to train a new weapon skill, keep in mind that each one specializes in specific weapon types. Weapon Master Woo Ping in Stormwind can train you in crossbows, polearms, staves, and one and two-handed swords. Buliwyf, the dwarven weapon master at the Timberline Arms in Ironforge, teaches fist weapons, guns, one and two-handed axes, and one and two-handed maces. Bixi Wobblebonk, the gnome weapon master at the Timberline Arms in Ironforge teaches crossbow, daggers, and throwing weapons. Ilyenia Moonfire, the night elf weapon master, resides at the Warrior’s Terrace in Darnassus, where she teaches bow, daggers, fist weapons, staff, and throwing weapons.



NPC Type

NPC Name


Profession Trainer

Fishing Trainer

Arnold Leland

Profession Supplies

Fishing Supplier

Catherine Leland



NPC Type

NPC Name

24–Enchanting Shop

Profession Trainer

Enchanting Journeyman Trainer

Betty Quin

Profession Trainer

Expert Enchanter

Lucan Cordell

Profession Supplies

Enchanting Supplier

Jessara Cordell