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kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     

Nice rng for the patheon trinket

blizz -> wysłany:
7 weeks and no pantheon trinket, yet others can get it in 1 week.Do you not see a flaw in your system?
blizz -> wysłany:
03/06/2018 08:42 AMPosted by Nolasam
I mean at this point a 5 year old could think of a better loot system

I'd be eager to hear your suggestions on how it could be better. I mean, the existing one has functioned pretty well for the past 13 years for WoW specifically and for the past 20 years across an entire genre of games (other genres too, but you get my point).
blizz -> wysłany:
03/06/2018 11:19 AMPosted by Starien
Now I am getting upgrade drops and no trinket to put them on (no offspec), so I have to begrudgingly delete them. D:

I've gotten my mainspec and I've just been saving them for when I finally get an offspec. I luckily don't need anything else off Argus so I just do him primarily in an offspec loot now.

03/06/2018 11:23 AMPosted by Virus
I think overall RNG works well in games if it isn't taken too far, perhaps people are just a little over it this expansion seeing as its been put into just about every aspect of the game to drag out played time?

I think that's a fair take on it but its a little silly when its being applied to something that really has never changed. There have always been bosses through the years that have had a powerful trinket on their drop table that everyone wants. I immediately think of Death's Verdict and how frustrating it was for me to get one but that's kinda how drops and loot tables work.

Items don't always drop and you're not always guaranteed to get them, things like trinkets are meant to be rare because they generally make a pretty big impact when you do finally get one. The concept of loot in an RPG has this at its very core.

At this point there have been 15 total resets since Antorus opened. 15 total chances to kill Argus and receive a Pantheon trinket. Its not that unheard of to still be looking for an item off of him even if you killed him each of those 15 resets. While its a personal loot drop and its slightly different, it still functions the same way and its still meant to be rare. Its something that not everyone will get, much like previous expansions when it comes to coveted items like trinkets and legendaries.

03/06/2018 11:24 AMPosted by Justweight
Pantheon's Blessings should drop at 2-3x the normal rate once you have a trinket at 1,000.

That could be a pretty good suggestion, however I think it might not be a good experience for someone that doesn't have one at all to see someone that gets one get rewarded even more.
blizz -> wysłany:
03/06/2018 11:54 AMPosted by Cartis
Your comment makes it sound like you think Amun'thul's Vision is just another random piece of loot. What's ironic about it is, the drop chance for Amun'Thul's Vision is lower than every single piece of loot that drops from ABT combined. So perhaps that was your first mistake.

03/06/2018 11:57 AMPosted by Zan
Wait you got the leggo trinket off Argus

OP is talking about the regular Pantheon Trinkets, not Aman'Thul's Vision.
blizz -> wysłany:
Just a heads up I'm deleting the posts coming in that are off topic as clearly people aren't reading the previous posts. For those that are hopping in, this discussion is about the Epic Pantheon trinkets, this is not about Aman'Thul's or any of the other Legion Legendaries. I'd like to not lock this thread as its actually been pretty productive and there's been some good posts.
blizz -> wysłany:
03/06/2018 03:28 PMPosted by Deydrania
Wow.. you've deleted my post twice. I wasn't offensive. I was making a correction to the blue's post. The blue said in its post that the legendary system for the Pantheon trinket is the very same system that's been in the game for 13 years. I broke down the leggo system in each of the previous expansions highlighting how they all differed and it was nixxed. I reposted taking care to be extra polite and it was also nixxed.

This thread is not discussing the Legendary systems in other expansions nor even the legendary trinket off Argus. I've said that twice and said why I was deleting off topic replies that don't apply to the Epic Pantheon Trinkets because that's not what is being discussed. Sorry for the confusion but I would recommend reading all of the replies before jumping in a thread (especially the blue ones since you can jump through them).
blizz -> wysłany:
Hey guys! Just wanted to follow up with this since there was quite a bit of discussion and some really good feedback on how the Epic Pantheon Trinkets are awarded. Recently we've pushed forward a change before this current reset.

The Pantheon trinkets for drops after the first now obey your loot specializations. Previously it only followed your loot specialization for the first one and the second was random for your other specs.

Appreciate all of the feedback you guys have been giving us about this!