wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     

Hotfixes: January 23

blizz -> wysłany:

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Legion. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


January 24, 2018


  • Demon Hunters can now loot companion pets from Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Siege of Orgrimmar
    • Sha of Pride will no longer use Banishment against a solo player in Mythic difficulty.


  • The Hyjal quest "Good News... and Bad News" can now be accepted from Matoclaw if abandoned.
  • The Teldrassil quest "The Sprouted Fronds" will no longer appear on the map to players who cannot accept it.
  • Players now receive Augmented Arcane Prison from Raelorasz if they’re standing more than 3 yards away from him, for “Mustering the Reds”.
  • Reduced the difficulty of the Drakuru encounter during the Zul'Drak quest "Betrayal".
  • Several Silithus creatures now level scale all the way down to 40 for "Vyral the Vile".
  • When it’s “Your First Day as a Pirate”, Captain Keelhaul should no longer fall out of his pirate ship.


  • The portals to Deepholm can now be used by level 82 players, as intended.


January 23


  • The Priority Mail achievement and Postmaster title are now account-wide.
  • Non-Draenei characters can now complete the Bloodmyst Isle Quests achievement.
  • Icecrown: The Final Goal now checks for the correct version of the quest "No Rest For The Wicked".


  • NPCs should again make sounds when you click on them.
  • Your character’s sounds should again be more audible than other players’ sounds, especially in dungeons and raids.


  • Priest
    • Strength of Soul is no longer incorrectly triggered by Power Word: Barrier
  • Rogue
    • Poison Knives again amplifies Fan of Knives as intended.

Class Halls

  • Fixed a bug that sometimes inflated the Order Resources amount required for a mission.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Addressed numerous issues with area effects misbehaving in encounters.
    • Developers’ notes: The underlying issue here is complex, but we believe we’ve tracked down the likely cause. Please let us know if you continue to experience issues with erroneously-triggered area effects.


  • Lost Mail now properly spawns in a random location near one of several Dalaran mailboxes.
  • "Korok the Colossus" can now be turned in to Deathguard Podrig in the Sepulcher if Forward Commander Onslaught has been slain.
  • "Good News... and Bad News" can now be accepted from Matoclaw if abandoned.
  • Players level 91 and higher can now start the questline that unlocks Jade Forest by speaking with Nazgrim (Horde) or Admiral Jes-tereth (Alliance).
  • Boss enemies for "The Air Stands Still" have had their health reduced, and the NPCs that help you fight them have had their damage increased.
  • The missing Slumberblooms have returned for "Slumberbloom".


January 22


  • The consolidated Algalon achievement Observed should now properly grant both the “Starcaller” and “Astral Walker” titles.


  • Addressed a graphical error with characters who have markings such as tattoos.
  • Uuna will now react to her surroundings when taken to Suramar, for both Horde and Alliance characters.


  • Demon Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where Fel Eruption would not deal damage to stun-immune targets.
    • Rage of the Illidari again correctly deals damage.
  • Mage
    • Frost Mages can again obtain their Frostfire Remembrance artifact appearance.
  • Shaman
    • Artifact traits and other effects that increase all of your healing correctly benefit Healing Stream Totem and Healing Tide Totem.
  • Warlock
    • Haunt will no longer incorrectly reset its cooldown when used against certain creatures with scaling health.
  • Warrior
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Warriors who have completed two Artifact acquisitions from starting “One More Legend” to obtain their third Artifact.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Deepholm
    • Fixed a bug where Aeonaxx would fail to drop loot.
  • Return to Karazhan
    • Attumen should once again properly respect tank threat for his Mounted Strike and Stamp attacks while astride Midnight.
  • Shadowfang Keep
    • Some enemies will now properly benefit from damage scaling when attacked by high-level players, in Normal difficulty.
  • Vault of the Wardens
    • Fel Furies that spawn in the Mythic Tirathon Saltheril encounter will no longer evade.

Mounts and Pets

  • Fixed a bug that caused custom pet names to sometimes partially disappear.
  • Mailing the Vicious War Fox will no longer cause it to become the other faction's War Fox.


  • Skinning
    • Noxious Whelps can again be skinned for Green Whelp Scales.


  • The Dragonblight quest "An End and a Beginning" can now be completed normally.
  • The Huge Boulder for the Redridge quest "Saving Foreman Oslow" has been returned.

Build 28675

January 19


  • Addressed tuning issues with enemy health in leveling content.
  • Fixed framerate and client performance issues on mid- and lower-capacity hardware, especially when coupled with the use of certain addons.
  • Fixed an Archaeology bug preventing players from being able to survey in appropriate locations.
  • Restored a large number of missing transmogrification items to Collections.


January 17


  • Rogue
    • Assassination
      • The Poison Knives trait has been temporarily disabled, and Poison Knives currently adds 3% damage to Deadly Poison per rank. This change will be reverted once a bug with the trait is corrected.
  • Shaman
    • Restoration
      • Healing Tide Totem is now properly affected by Deep Healing and Cumulative Upkeep.
      • Healing Stream Totem is now properly affected by Deep Healing.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Grim Inquisitor’s Regalia 2-piece set bonus now properly increases the duration of Unstable Affliction by 2 seconds.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Gnomeregan
    • Electrocutioner 6000 again drops Electrocutioner Leg for Hunters.
  • Trial of the Champion
    • All bosses again properly drop Champion's Seals.


  • Many quest items that had incorrectly high level requirements have been adjusted.

World Quests

  • Fixed issues preventing Na'zak and Ana-Mouz from dropping loot for players who have previously killed them.


  • Significantly increased the Spinal Dust drop rate on the Ghostlands quest “Spinal Dust”.
  • Arluin has returned to Suramar and is again willing to speak with outsiders. He was just having a bad day.