Jestem w uniwersum całkiem nowy, lecz trochę poczytałem o WoWie, dodatkach i ogólnych zarysach historii.. Naszedł mnie pewien wniosek i prosiłbym, aby mi to wytłumaczono bądź mnie poprawiono, jeżeli zbłądziłem. Skończywszy historię z Warcraft III i Frozen Throne, historia dalej kontynuowana jest dopiero w TBC? Z tego co wyczytałem, WoW bez dodatków nie ma de facto linii fabularnej kontynuującej wątki z W3? Czy w WoW poznajemy tylko problemy danych krain, a dopiero w TBC powracamy do historii biegnącej od poprzednich części?
Dzięki za odpowiedzi!
Owszem, w podstawce WoWa nie dzieje się nic, co byłoby bezpośrednią kontynuacją wątków z Warcrafta 3. Dowiadujemy się niby co dalej z Kel'Thuzadem, kim są Old Godzi (ich istnienie zostało zasugerowane w Azjol-Nerub w TFT przy walce z Przedwiecznym), kim jest Ragnaros, ale to są takie ogólnikowe rzeczy, pozbawione konkretnego ciągu przyczynowo skutkowego.
“Never waste energy on worries or negative thoughts, all problems are brought into existence– drop them.” - Bruce Lee
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A czy w TBC znajduje się bezpośrednia kontynuacja wątków z Warcrafta 3? I jak potem mają się kolejne dodatki do tego, co zastajemy w TBC? Przepraszam, że mam tyle pytań, lecz ogrom wiadomości jest tak duży, że ciężko to samemu ogarnąć.
No tak jak w trailerze do TBC, Illidan, który po porażce pod Tronem Mrozu uciekł do Czarnej Cytadeli, zaczyna do nas mówić, że co my tacy pewni siebie, potem Kael'thas go zdradza itd. Kolejne dodatki aż do Cata zaczynają się z tyłka, tj. "minęło parę miesięcy i nagle nowy główny zły się obudził" - od końcówki Cata kolejny dodatek jest już w miarę logicznie wprowadzany (np. ratujemy syna Deathwinga pod koniec Cata, a ten odlatuje do dalekich krain, czyli Pandarii; na koniec Pandarii więzimy Garrosha, a ten spiskuje ze smokiem czasu i przenosi się do alternatywnej przeszłości). Generalnie fabuła w WoWie nie jest prowadzona w ten sam sposób, co w Warcrafcie 3, masz inne sposoby narracji (chooociaż teraz już mamy mnóstwo fajnych cutscenek i wyraźnych głównych questów, kiedyś było z tym gorzej).
“Never waste energy on worries or negative thoughts, all problems are brought into existence– drop them.” - Bruce Lee
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Wszystko to wydaje się być strasznie chaotyczne. Szkoda, miałem nadzieję na jakąś mocną więź pomiędzy poszczególnymi grami.
To jest tylko MMO, dla porządnej fabuły musieliby stworzyć nowego RTSa.
Fabuła jest dobra, tylko trzeba sobie poukładać wszystko. Jak chciałem chronologicznie poznać historię Warcrafta, to siedziałem długo i układałem kolejność gier, książek, komiksów, opowiadań, a nawet gdzie i kiedy najlepiej robić questy, by było fabularnie. Głównie to wziąłem tą chronologię z wowpedii, ale tam właśnie nie było q i opowiadań (oficjalnie niekanonicznych) z poradników, książek RPG i ciężko dostępnych krótkich historyjek lore'owych, które wychodziły na stronie WoWa przy premierach dodatków. Naprawdę nieraz długo myślałem, jak to najlepiej ułożyć. Questów po WotLK już nie układałem, bo od Cata i tak questy są jakoś ze sobą powiązane. Tu jest ta moja chronologia, ale sami musicie rozróżnić, co jest książką, opowiadaniem, grą, komiksem, filmikiem, czy wydarzeniem:
![]() Prehistory Warcraft Saga The Titans and the Shaping of the Universe Sargeras and the Betrayal The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth -147,000 Dawn of the Aspects (past) Charge of the Dragonflights -24,974 Rise of the Horde (Argus) Sargeras corrupts most of the eredar on Argus, convincing them to join his Burning Legion. With the help of a naaru, Velen escapes through the Twisting Nether with some eredar that had decided to reject Sargeras' offer. They start calling themselves the draenei, or "exiled ones". -16,000 The thousands-year long war between Aqir and Trolls ends with the defeat of the aqir, their remnants fleeing to form colonies that would become Ahn'Qiraj, Azjol Nerub and the mantid. -15,000 The Curse of Flesh affects the vrykul, causing their offspring (the ancestors of the race who would later become known as humans) to be born stunted and weak. A tribe of dark trolls gradually migrate towards the heart of ancient Kalimdor and settle along the shores of the Well of Eternity. -14,000 The first night elves or "kaldorei" appear and found their civilization upon the banks of the Well of Eternity, having evolved from the dark trolls. -13,500 The kaldorei begin to actively study and practice arcane magic. They bend magic to their will and use it to build beautiful cities, craft artifacts and reshape the land. Some Kaldorei resist the lure to use the Well of Eternity’s power and warn others of the dangers of abusing it. Their warnings go unheeded. A group of upper-class Kaldorei begin to refer to themselves as the Highborne and revel in the use of magic. -13,000 – 12,000 (Approx.) Death From Above Kang, with his fellow pandaren and the other slave races, start a revolution against the mogu, successfully overthrowing them and creating the Pandaren Empire. -11,900 The Zandalari Troll Wars. The Zandalar tribe, allies of the now-overthrown mogu, attempt to conquer a plot of land in Pandaria that was promised to them by Lei Shen. The invasion is repelled thanks to Jiang and the newly-founded Order of the Cloud Serpent. Ancient history (10,000 years ago and less) The Waking Wold and the Well of Eternity Sargeras senses the Highborne's use of the Well of Eternity and decides to invade Azeroth. Corrupting Queen Azshara and her followers, a portal is opened through which the Burning Legion enters the world and laids waste to the night-elven civilization. Burdens of Shaohao Shaohao, the last emperor of the Pandaren Empire, has a vision of the upcoming Burning Legion. He isolates his empire through the some magical mists, which protect it from the war and the ensuring disasters, but also leave it hidden from the rest of the world for thousands of years. War of the Ancients 1: The Well of Eternity War of the Ancients 2: The Demon Soul War of the Ancients 3: The Sundering The War of the Ancients The Sundering of the World Several night elves led by Malfurion Stormrage are able to destroy the Well of Eternity, preventing Sargeras from entering the world, and stopping the invasion. However, this also creates a massive cataclysm, called the Sundering, where eighty percent of Kalimdor's landmass is plunged between the waves, leaving only a handful of isolated continents. Mount Hyjal and Illidan’s Gift The World Tree and the Emerald Dream The Lunar Festival is created. -9,000 Curse of the Worgen (past) War of the Satyr -7,300 Exile of the High Elves (begins) The Sentinels and the long Vigil The Founding of Quel’Thalas (begins) -6,800 The Exile of High Elves (ends) The Founding of Quel’Thalas (ends) -2,800 Arathor and the Troll Wars -2,600 The First Guardian (Legends Vol. 5) The Guardians of Tirisfal -2,500 Ironforge – the Awakening of the Dwarves The Ironforge Dwarves awaken in Uldaman. Khaz Modan is founded. -1,200 The Seven Kingdoms The human kingdoms of Lordaeron, Alterac, Gilneas, Dalaran, and Stromgarde are formed on continental Lordaeron, north of Khaz Modan. The kingdom of Azeroth (later known as Stormwind) is formed on continental Azeroth. The kingdom of Kul Tiras is formed off of the coast of Khaz Modan. -1000 War of the Shifting Sands (past) -823 Cycle of Hatred (past begins) The Last Guardian (past begins) Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt -375 (Approx.) Last gnome royalty. -200 The draenei arrive on Draenor. -170 Dwarves meet gnomes and help them build Gnomeregan. -230 Shaman (prologue) War of the Three Hammers prior the year -45 A Warrior Made (Legends Vol. 4 and 5) Blackhand (prior the formation of the Horde) -45 - 44 Rise of the Horde (Draenor) Blood and Thunder (20 years before the formation of the Iron Horde (approximately the same date before the Orcish Horde)) Kil’jaeden and the Shadow Pact -26 Grommash Hellscream is born. -10 (Approx.) Lords of War (Past) -1 Family Values (Legends Vol. 2 starts) Unbroken (begins) 0 (Year 592 by the King’s Calendar) Rise of the Horde (Draenor, ends) Rise of the Horde The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind (begins) Lord of the Clans (beginning) First War (Warcraft: Orcs and Humans) The Last Guardian 4 Llane is assassinated. Lothar concedes that the war is lost and begins gathering people, ships, and supplies from the entire kingdom. 5 Blood of the Highborne (chapter 1) The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind (ends) Stormwind falls to the orcs. Lothar flees with the kingdom's survivors. 6 Second War (Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness) Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness The Official Strategy Guide Tides of Darkness Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack (past) Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (begins) The Alliance of Lordearon Gul'dan (Lore Character Page) Ashbringer (beginning of #1) Beyond the Dark Portal (prologue) 8 Invasion of Draenor (Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal) Beyond the Dark Portal (main story & ending) The Invasion of Draenor The Burning Crusade Townhall/Flying Mounts: Nether Drakes (battlenet.pl) The Birth of Lich King Icecrown and the Frozen Throne 10 Day of the Dragon The Battle of Grim Batol Unbroken (ends) 17 Mage (past) 18 Letargy of the Orcs Lord of the Clans (main story) The New Horde War of the Spider Road to Damnation Kel’Thuzad and the Forming of the Sourge 19 Of Blood and Honor Lord of the Clans (ends) The Alliance Splinters 20 Third War (Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos) Vol'jin: The Judgment The Undead Plague Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (part 2 and 3) Death Knight (chapters 1-3) Blood of the Highborne (chapters 2 and 3) Ashbringer (middle of #1) The Scourge of Lordearon A Cleansing Fire (begins, Legends Vol. 5) Sunwell – The Fall of Quel’Thalas Archimonde’s Return and the Flight to Kalimdor Illidan (prologue) 21 The Battle of Mount Hyjal 22 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne First Brewfest, organized as a beer-tasting contest between Chen Stormstout, Grimbooze Thunderbrew and Coren Direbrew The Betrayer Ascendant Rise of the Blood Elves Civil War in the Plaguelands Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (end of part 3) Illidan (first chapters) Rise of the Lich King The Lich King Triumphant Old Hatreds – The Colonization of Kalimdor Warcraft RPG Warcraft RPG: Manual of Monsters Warcraft RPG: Alliance & Horde Compendium Warcraft RPG: Magic and Mayhem 23 Ashbringer (ending of #1, plus #2-#4) Sunwell Trilogy (begins) Warcraft RPG: Lands of Conflict Sunwell Trilogy (ends) Warcraft RPG: Shadows & Light War of the Ancients (present (starts and ends)) World of Warcraft RPG 24 A Cleansing Fire (ends, Legends Vol. 5) Cycle of Hatred World of Warcraft RPG: More Magic & Mayhem World of Warcraft RPG: Lands of Mystery 25 World of Warcraft 1.1 King Varian Wrynn is kidnapped. Bolvar Fordragon becomes Regent-Lord of Stormwind. "Varian" later (around the time of the end of the Burning Crusade) returns to the throne. The World of Warcraft Townhall The World of Warcraft Bestiary The Murlocs Troll Compendium A Shaman's Retribution (tauren, shaman) Mulgore Hidden Knowledge (human, warlock) Elwynn Forest Westfall Deadmines (original) Priestly Reckoning (Alliance, priest(night elf)) Redridge Mountains Durotar Ragefire Chasm (original) Barrens A Druid's Tale (Alliance, druid (night elf)) Wailing Caverns Stonetalon Mountains Tirisfal Glades The True Threat (undead, mage) Silverpine Forest Shadowfang Keep (original) Hillsbrad Foolhills The Light Stands Strong (human, paladin) Duskwood Stormwind Stockade (original) Teldrasil Darkshore Ashenvale Blackfathom Deeps A Warrior's Story (tauren, warrior) Dun Morogh Gnomeregan Loch Modan Wetlands A Hunter Prowls (Alliance, hunter (dwarf)) Scarlet Monastery Scarlet Monastery Graveyard Scarlet Monastery Library Scarlet Monastery Armory Scarlet Monastery Cathedral Attacking from the Shadow (Horde, rogue, name: Saslen (troll)) Razorfen Kraul and Razorfen Downs Thousand Needles Badlands Uldaman Tanaris Zul'Farrak Felwood Moonglade Western Plaguelands Scholomance (original) Swamp of Sorrows Temple of Atal'Hakkar Searning Gorge Burning Steppes Blackrock Mountain Blackrock Depths Molten Core Lower Blackrock Spire Upper Blackrock Spire (original) Eastern Plagulands Stratholme (original) Deadwind Pass Dustwallow Marsh Onyxia's Lair (original): Onyxia is slain by King Varian Wrynn. 1.2 Desolace Maraudon Feast of Winter Veil 1.3 Azshara Azuregos The Blasted Lands Lord Kazzak Feralas Dire Maul Warpwood Quarter Capital Gardens Gordok Commons 1.4 Archbishop Benedictus staged a temporary coup, and has taken the title of NPC leader of Stormwind City from Highlord Bolvar! Children’s Week Gurubashi Arena Un'Goro Crater Winterspring 1.5 Warsong Gulch Alterac Mountains Alterac Valley 1.6 Prince Thunderaan Blackwing Lair (underdev) Blackwing Lair Darkmoon Faire 1.7 Arathi Highlands Arathi Basin Stranglehorn Vale Zul'Gurub (original) Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Goblins vs Gnomes 1.8 The Hinterlands Corrupted green dragons appear around the world from the Emerald Nightmare. Exploration of Silithus begins. Silithus Abyssal High Council Hollow’s End. World of Warcraft RPG: Alliance Player’s Guide World of Warcraft RPG: Horde Player’s Guide World of Warcraft RPG: Monster Guide 1.9 The Might of Kalimdor assaults Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom. The War Effort War of the Shifting Sands (present) Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream Twilight Corrupter Lieutant General Nokhor Monsters of Ahn'Qiraj Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Maws Love is in the Air 1.10 Weather! 1.11 Teremus the Devourer World of Warcraft RPG: Dark Factions World of Warcraft (the Board Game) Naxxramas 1.12 Open violence between the Alliance and Horde begins in Silithus and the Eastern Plaguelands. Omen The Thrill of the Hunt (Legends Vol. 3) Bloodsail Buccaneer (Legends Vol. 4) How to Win Friends (Legends Vol. 1) Miles to Go (Legends Vol. 2) An Honest Trade (Legends Vol. 1) Warrior: Divided (Legends Vol. 2) Warrior: United (Legends Vol. 5) 26 Blood of the Highborne (chapter 4) 2.0.1 War in Outland. Blood elves under Kael'thas capture Tempest Keep. With the power of the Keep's Naaru, M'uru, the Blood Knights are formed months later, draining M'uru's power to wield its Light. Velen later leads a raid to liberate the Exodar and escape Outland. Blood elf saboteurs cause it to crash on Azeroth. Rise of the Horde (present and ends) The Dark Portal Opens under the command of Lord Kazzak. His forces are defeated by the Argent Dawn and Alliance and Horde forces. The latter create settlements in Outland. Shadow Wing Vol. 1: The Dragons of Outland, and Vol. 2: Nexus Point Tyrygosa seems to heal Malygos’s insanity. A Legion counterattack fails. The Portal is closed. The Portal is later reopened as Alliance and Horde take the battle to Outland. The Story So Far (The Burning Crusade) (battlenet.pl) The Burning Legion Returns (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Official Strategy Guide) The Burning Crusade 2.0.3 The Burning Crusade Townhall/The Burning Crusade Bestiary (battlenet.pl) The Burning Crusade Townhall/Blood Elves (battlenet.pl) The Burning Crusade Townhall/History of the Blood Elves (battlenet.pl) The Burning Crusade Townhall/Shamans and Paladins (battlenet.pl) Eversong Woods Ghostlands The Burning Crusade Townhall/Draenei (battlenet.pl) Azuremyst Isle Bloodmyst Isle The Burning Crusade Townhall/FAQ Frakcje (battlenet.pl) Highlord Kruul The Burning Crusade Townhall/Hellfire Citadel (battlenet.pl) Hellfire Peninsula Hellfire Citadel Hellfire Ramparts The Blood Furnace The Shattered Halls Magtheridon's Lair Zangarmarsh Coilfang Reservoir The Slave Pens The Underbog The Steamvault Serpentshrine Cavern Terokkar Forest Auchindoun Mana-Tombs Auchenai Crypts Sethekk Halls Shadow Labyrinth Blade's Edge Mountains Gruul's Lair Netherstorm Tempest Keep The Mechanar The Botanica The Arcatraz The Eye Nagrand The Burning Crusade Townhall/Karazhan (battlenet.pl) Karazhan The Burning Crusade Townhall/Caverns of Time (battlenet.pl) Escape from Durnholde Keep Opening the Dark Portal Battle for Mount Hyjal Doom Lord Kazzak Doomwalker Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War (past) The Journey (Legends Vol. 1) Crusader's Blood (Legends Vol. 3) (in conflict, because of the appearance of Renee Lauer) I Got What Yule Need (Legends Vol. 3) Blood Runs Thicker (Legends Vol. 4) World of Warcraft: The Comic (begins) 2.1 Illidan Harbringers: Illidan The Burning Crusade Townhall/Outland (battlenet.pl) Shadowmoon Valley Black Temple (begins) Demon Hunter intro Black Temple (ends) 2.2 Brewfest Headless Horseman 2.3 Zul’Aman (original) Dustwallow Marsh: Mudsprocket and crashed goblin zeppelin 2.4 A resurrected Kael'thas and his felblood minions take M'uru to the Sunwell Plateau. Lady Liadrin and her Blood Knights join the Shattered Sun Offensive, along with the Aldor and Scryer factions. Arena Tournament World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (the Board Game) Magisters' Terrace. The Burning Crusade Townhall/The Isle of Quel'Danas The Isle of Quel'Danas Sunwell Plateau 27 Night of the Dragon 3.0.2 Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (interludes and epilogue) The Lich King Arthas reawakens and begins his campaign of conquest anew. The Scarlet Crusade moves to Northrend in the wake of devastation, forming the Scarlet Onslaught. The Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade are formed at the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel. Zombie Infestation The Scourge begin regular attacks on Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. Barber Shops Inscriptions Fallen - Fear - Fiend - Fate (Legends Vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4) Wrath of the Lich King 3.0.3 The War against the Lich King begins. World of Warcraft: The Comic (ends) Northrend (Battlenet.pl) The Wrath of the Lich King Bestiary (Battlenet.pl) The Story So Far (Wrath of the Lich King) Death Knight (Battlenet.pl) Death Knight (ends) Tyr's Hand (Death Knight) Lor'themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun Dragonblight Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate Glory Battle for the Undercity Broken Front Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War Lokacje - Howling Fjord (Battlenet.pl) Howling Fjord Dungeons - Utgarde Keep Utgarde Keep Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Lokacje - Grizzly Hills (Battlenet.pl) Grizzly Hills Drak'Tharon Keep Zul'Drak Gundrak Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning The Bronze dragonflight sends heroes seven years into the past to prevent the Infinite dragonflight from interfering with the Culling of Stratholme. Utgarde Pinnacle Naxxramas Lokacje - Borean Tundra (Battlenet.pl) Borean Tundra Dalaran (battlenet.pl) Crystalsong Forest Dungeons - The Nexus Nexus War: The Wyrmrest Accord, the Kirin Tor, and its allies begin full-scale assaults on the Blue dragonflight and Malygos at Coldarra. The Nexus The Violet Hold Mage (present) The Oculus Eye of Eternity Sholazar Basin Alliance and Horde battle for dominance at Wintergrasp. Archavon the Stone Watcher is slain at the Vault of Archavon within Wintergrasp Fortress. Wintergrasp 3.1 Storm Peaks Dungeons - Ulduar Ulduar Bosstiary Ulduar Yogg-Saron is defeated. Re-origination of Azeroth at the hands of Algalon the Observer is averted. The second of the Vault of Archavon's four watchers falls, Emalon the Storm Watcher. World of Warcraft: The Comic Special Issue 1: Beginnings and Ends Icecrown The Argent Tournament Begins! Silver Hand, Ebon Blade 3.2 The Argent Tournament Grounds have been completed. Highlords Tirion Fordring and Darion Mograine have the forces of Alliance, Horde, Argent Crusade, and Knights of the Ebon Blade compete to decide which champions will participate in the final assault on Icecrown Citadel. Trial of the Champion The Argent Crusade's champions are sent to aid the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant against the Kvaldir at Hrothgar's Landing. Trial of the Crusader/Trial of the Grand Crusader Conflict between Alliance and Horde at the Isle of Conquest. The third watcher of the Vault of Archavon falls, Koralon the Flame Watcher. The Brood Mother (Onyxia) Returns 3.3 The Ashen Verdict makes its final assault on Icecrown Citadel. Forge of Souls Pit of Saron Halls of Reflection Icecrown Citadel: The forces of the Ashen Verdict destroy the Lich King's mightiest servants. The Lich King Arthas is killed. Bolvar Fordragon is crowned the new Lich King. The final watcher of the Vault of Archavon, Toravon the Ice Watcher, is destroyed. Ruby Sanctum Operation Gnomergan Gelbin Mekkatorque and his gnomes retake Gnomeregan's surface. Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short Lokacje - New Tinkertown (battlenet.pl) Zalazane's fall The Darkspear trolls and their allies retake Echo Isles from Zalazane. Lokacje - Echo Isles (battlenet.pl) Li Li's Travel Journal (1-4) Pearl of Pandaria Stormrage (along Nightmares from Legends Vol. 5) War against the Nightmare Shaman Dark Riders 28 4.0.1 The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm Najważniejsze postacie (Faces of Cataclysm) (battlenet.pl) Cataclysm 4.0.3a Deathwing returns to Azeroth, scarring it with a great cataclysm. Bloodsworn The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith Invasion of Gilneas Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night Curse of the Worgen (present) Worgeni (battlenet.pl) Lokacje - Gilneas (battlenet.pl) Gilneas is left in ruins Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack (present) Gilneas The Invasion of Gilneas ceases at the Greymane Wall. Though the Forsaken lose their holdings in Gilneas, a truce halts the Gilneas Liberation Front from entering Silverpine Forest. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner is assassinated by Lord Godfrey but resurrected after Godfrey and his allies are forced to retreat. Tirisfal Glades Silverpine Forest Shadowfang Keep Gilneas Battleground Battle for Gilneas Lokacje - Lost Isles (battlenet.pl) Lost Isles Gobliny (battlenet.pl) Kezan Kezan is destroyed; the Bilgewater Cartel joins the Horde. Bilgewater Harbor is built in Azshara. Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix writes his autobiography Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince (ends here, unknown start) The Story So Far (Cataclysm) Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us Odnowione lokacje - Azshara (battlenet.pl) Azshara Odnowione lokacje - Darkshore (battlenet.pl) Wolfheart (after the shattering but before the new Ashenvale questline) Odnowione lokacje - Ashenvale (battlenet.pl) Ashenvale Odnowione lokacje - Southern Barrens (battlenet.pl) Sothern Barrens Smokywood Pastures Presents: A Winter Veil Carol Velen: Prophet's Lesson Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers The Defias Brotherhood is reborn under Vanessa VanCleef after roughly five years of inactivity. Deadmines Stormwind Stockade Lokacje - Mount Hyjal (battlenet.pl) (cześć na WoWcenter.pl) Mount Hyjal Twilight's Hammer agents ally with Ragnaros the Firelord at Mount Hyjal and attempt to burn down Nordrassil. Lokacje - Stonecore (battlenet.pl) Vashj'ir appears. Lokacje - Vashj'ir (battlenet.pl) (cześć na WoWcenter.pl) Vashj'ir Lokacje - Abyssal Maw (battlenet.pl) Throne of the Tides Deepholm Uldum Uldum Lost City of the Tol'vir Lokacje - Halls of origination (battlenet.pl) Halls of Origination The Skywall is attacked. Vortex Pinnacle. Throne of the Four Winds: Al'akir is slain permanently. Lokacje - Tol Barad (battlenet.pl) Conflict breaks out at Tol Barad. Tol Barad The demons of Baradin Hold are defeated. Wildhammer Clan rejoins Alliance; Dragonmaw Clan rejoins the Horde. Lokacje - Twin Peaks (battlenet.pl) Twin Peaks Lokacje - Grim Batol (battlenet.pl) Grim Batol Lokacje - Twilight Highlands (battlenet.pl) Twilight Highlands Bastion of Twilight: Cho'Gall and Sinestra are defeated. Blackrock Caverns Blackwing Descent: The resurrected Nefarian and Onyxia are slain. Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects 4.1 The Gurubashi and Amani trolls unite under the Zandalari. Zul'Gurub: Jin'do the Godbreaker is killed. Zul'Aman: Daakara is killed. 4.2 Ragnaros and his minions try to set Nordrassil to flame. Fighting breaks out within the Firelands itself. The area of Mount Hyjal that was scorched in the Second Battle of Mount Hyjal has been extinguished of flame and the forest has begun to regrow. Agents from the Firelands bypass or destroy the wards and reinvade the area. Quest Chain: Elemental Bonds Firelands: Sulfuron Keep is sieged. Fandral Staghelm is killed as leader of the Druids of the Flame. Ragnaros the Firelord is permanently defeated in the Firelands. Uncertainty looms over the blue dragonflight's domain, the Nexus, as its members struggle to appoint a new leader. Split between the two likeliest successors--Kalecgos and Arygos--the flight has agreed to meet during a rare celestial event known as the Embrace in the hopes that a new Aspect will finally be chosen. The bronze dragon Anachronos, however, has detected something sinister at work around the Nexus, threatening to compromise the ceremony. If a hero does not rise to investigate these dark forces and uncover their intentions, Anachronos believes that Azeroth's doom is imminent. 4.3 Alizabal The final assault on Deathwing and the Twilight's Hammer begins. Charge of the Aspects End Time Well of Eternity: Agents of the Alliance and Horde are sent back 10,028 years to retrieve the Dragon Soul from the War of the Ancients. Hour of Twilight: The siege of Wyrmrest Temple. Archbishop Benedictus is revealed to be the "Twilight Father" and is killed. Dragon Soul: Deathwing is destroyed by Thrall and the Dragon Aspects at the Maelstrom using the Dragon Soul. A second cataclysm is averted. The Aspects are reduced to mortal state and the "Age of Mortals" begins. Cataclysm Recap Video: Legendary Rogue 5.0.4 Quest for Pandaria Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War Attack on Theramore Isle Alliance-Horde War evolves into a full-scale conflict 30 The Skyseeker crashes into the Wandering Isle Pandaren of Shen-zin Su split into two major groups, Tushui and Huojin and join the Alliance and Horde, respectively. Mnich (battlenet.pl) Pandareni (battlenet.pl) Pandaria is accidentally discovered by the Alliance and Horde fleets Mists of Pandaria Bestiary Salyis's Warband Anduin Wrynn is captured by the Horde but later escapes. Battle of the Serpent's Heart. The sha threat caused by the massive surge of negative energy becomes a grave danger for Pandaria and its denizens. Sha of Anger Zandalari and other allied troll tribes rejoin with their ancient Mogu allies and resurrect Lei Shen. Mists of Pandaria 5.1 The Alliance and Horde navies make landfall in the Krasarang Wilds of Pandaria. A Little Patience Li Li's Travel Journal (5-11) The Trial of the Red Blossoms The Strength of Steel (begins) Bleeding Sun Dawn of the Aspects (present) Dagger in the Dark: An assassination attempt by the Garrosh's men forces Vol'jin into hiding. Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde The Blank Scroll The Strength of Steel (ends) Lion's Landing Domination Point Assault on Zan'vess Garrosh's agents raid Darnassus to sabotage Lor'themar's negotiations with the Alliance. The Purge of Dalaran: The Horde is removed from Dalaran. The Divine Bell is shattered. 5.2 The Zandalar tribe ally with a revived Lei Shen and his Mogu subjects. The Kirin Tor Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught land on the Isle of Thunder. Nalak Oondasta Throne of Thunder 5.3 Vol'jin returns to Durotar. The Darkspear Rebellion begins. The Alliance forms a truce with the rebels to take out Garrosh Hellscream. Battlefield: Barrens The rebels liberate Razor Hill. Deepwind Gorge: Alliance and Horde battle in the Valley of the Four Winds. Battle on the High Seas Blood in the Snow Dark Heart of Pandaria The Secrets of Ragefire The Jade Hunters (after the events of Escalation; otherwise not specified) Over Water The Untamed Valley 5.4 Heart of Y'Shaarj is unearthed. Garrosh Hellscream uses the Pools of Power to revive the Heart, destroying half of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the process. Sha of Pride is unleashed. Siege of Orgrimmar begins. Most of the Kor'kron are wiped out. Garrosh is dethroned and captured, then moved to Pandaria for trial. Vol'jin replaces Garrosh as Warchief of the Horde. Timeless Isle appears. War Crimes Garrosh Hellscream escapes from custody in Pandaria with the help of Wrathion, Kairoz, and Zaela; he is taken by Kairoz to the Draenor of Timeline B, 35 years earlier. -4, Timeline B Harbringers: Gul'dan Hellscream Kairozdormu tells Garrosh that he intends for him to create the first of many new Hordes. Not wanting to be a pawn, Garrosh betrays and kills Kairoz with a shard of the [Vision of Time]. Garrosh uses the shard to convince Grom Hellscream not to drink Mannoroth's blood, and to instead create the Iron Horde. Gul'dan and the Stranger Code of Rule Warlords of Draenor 6.0.2 Grom rejects the demon blood, kills Mannoroth, and captures Gul'dan. 31, Timeline A / -2, Timeline B (Time collision) The Dark Portal on Draenor in Timeline B is connected to the one on Azeroth in the present of Timeline A; The portal's glow turns from green to red, and both timelines' events run simultaneously from this point. The Iron Horde's initial invasion of Azeroth. Lords of War The Ironmarch pours out of the Dark Portal and makes it all the way to Blackrock Spire, destroying Nethergarde Keep along the way. 6.0.3a Apocrypha (present line) In retaliation, Khadgar assembles the champions of the Alliance and the Horde, leading them through the portal to stop the Iron Horde on Draenor once and for all. In Tanaan Jungle, Draenor's Dark Portal is destroyed by the Azerothian strike force, severing its connection. Beasts of the Savage World The Horde expedition arrives at Frostfire Ridge. They establish a garrison named Frostwall and help the Frostwolf Clan conquer Bladespire Citadel. The Alliance expedition ventures into Shadowmoon Valley and establish contact with the local draenei, including Timeline B's Velen. They establish a garrison named Lunarfall. Khadgar's offensive deals a crushing blow to the Iron Horde. The Frostwolves and the Horde slay Warlord Fenris of the Thunderlord Clan at Grom'gar and halt the Iron Horde's invasion during the Battle of Thunder Pass. The Draenei and the Alliance force Ner'zhul into hiding after the Dark Star is purified by Velen's sacrifice, and successfully repel the Iron Horde invading Karabor. Later on, Ner'zhul meets his end in his clan's burial grounds. Shattrath City is liberated from Iron Horde control and Blackhand is forced to escape, though not before killing Maraad and Orgrim Doomhammer during the confrontation. At some point, however, the liberated city is occupied by the Shadow Council. In Nagrand, Warlord Dharl of the Burning Blade Clan is slain at Hallvalor, followed by Garrosh Hellscream, who ultimately meets his end at Thrall's hands during the Siege of Grommashar. Later on, the Alliance, Horde and Cho'gall's pale orcs attack Highmaul, Kargath Bladefist is slain by adventurers while Imperator Mar'gok dies at Cho'gall's hands and the Gorian Empire is left crippled. Warlord Azuka, Dharl's successor, is slain in Bladefury's Command by the commanders. Inside Blackrock Foundry, adventurers defeat Blackhand once and for all. 6.1 Grommash's failure breeds dissent within the ranks, affording the warlock Gul'dan the opportunity to usurp the Iron Horde and summon the demonic Burning Legion to Draenor, joined by Warlord Kilrogg of the Bleeding Hollow Clan. 6.2 Gul'dan persuades the Iron Horde's remaining leaders to serve the Burning Legion, imprisons Grommash, and also recruits the aid of Shadow-Sage Iskar and the Sethekk arakkoa. Gul'dan takes control of Hellfire Citadel, intending to use it as a staging area for the Legion to invade Draenor. He then proceeds to summon the demon lord Archimonde. The heroes of Azeroth assault the citadel’s gates, invading from both land and sea. Aided by Khadgar, Yrel, Durotan and a freed Grommash, Azeroth's champions battle their way through the horrors unleashed within Hellfire Citadel. After a harrowing struggle that nearly destroys Draenor, the heroes are able to cast down Archimonde. As he falls, Archimonde hurls Gul'dan through a portal to fulfill his pact with the Legion. 32 Magni: Fault Lines (Magni: serce z kamienia) The Tomb of Sargeras (Grobowiec Sargerasa) Legion pre-expansion patch clip Harbringers: Khadgar Legion announcement trailer The demons invade several areas in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Legion cinematic trailer Alliance and Horde fight the Legion at the Broken Shore - King Varian Wrynn, Warchief Vol'jin and Tirion Fordring are killed. Broken Shore cinematic Legion – Sylvanas and Vol'jin cinematic Nightborne: Twilight of Suramar (dzieci nocy: zmierzch Suramaru) Highmountain: a mountain devided (Plemię wysokiej góry: podzielona góra) Anduin: Son of the Wolf (Anduin: Dziedzic Wilka) Demon Hunter cinematic #2 Legion cinematic teaser Legion The Alliance and Horde attack the Broken Isles as a whole. wysłane po 6 sekundach:Fabuła jest dobra, tylko trzeba sobie poukładać wszystko. Jak chciałem chronologicznie poznać historię Warcrafta, to siedziałem długo i układałem kolejność gier, książek, komiksów, opowiadań, a nawet gdzie i kiedy najlepiej robić questy, by było fabularnie. Głównie to wziąłem tą chronologię z wowpedii, ale tam właśnie nie było q i opowiadań (oficjalnie niekanonicznych) z poradników, książek RPG i ciężko dostępnych krótkich historyjek lore'owych, które wychodziły na stronie WoWa przy premierach dodatków. Naprawdę nieraz długo myślałem, jak to najlepiej ułożyć. Questów po WotLK już nie układałem, bo od Cata i tak questy są jakoś ze sobą powiązane. Tu jest ta moja chronologia, ale sami musicie rozróżnić, co jest książką, opowiadaniem, grą, komiksem, filmikiem, czy wydarzeniem: ![]() Prehistory Warcraft Saga The Titans and the Shaping of the Universe Sargeras and the Betrayal The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth -147,000 Dawn of the Aspects (past) Charge of the Dragonflights -24,974 Rise of the Horde (Argus) Sargeras corrupts most of the eredar on Argus, convincing them to join his Burning Legion. With the help of a naaru, Velen escapes through the Twisting Nether with some eredar that had decided to reject Sargeras' offer. They start calling themselves the draenei, or "exiled ones". -16,000 The thousands-year long war between Aqir and Trolls ends with the defeat of the aqir, their remnants fleeing to form colonies that would become Ahn'Qiraj, Azjol Nerub and the mantid. -15,000 The Curse of Flesh affects the vrykul, causing their offspring (the ancestors of the race who would later become known as humans) to be born stunted and weak. A tribe of dark trolls gradually migrate towards the heart of ancient Kalimdor and settle along the shores of the Well of Eternity. -14,000 The first night elves or "kaldorei" appear and found their civilization upon the banks of the Well of Eternity, having evolved from the dark trolls. -13,500 The kaldorei begin to actively study and practice arcane magic. They bend magic to their will and use it to build beautiful cities, craft artifacts and reshape the land. Some Kaldorei resist the lure to use the Well of Eternity’s power and warn others of the dangers of abusing it. Their warnings go unheeded. A group of upper-class Kaldorei begin to refer to themselves as the Highborne and revel in the use of magic. -13,000 – 12,000 (Approx.) Death From Above Kang, with his fellow pandaren and the other slave races, start a revolution against the mogu, successfully overthrowing them and creating the Pandaren Empire. -11,900 The Zandalari Troll Wars. The Zandalar tribe, allies of the now-overthrown mogu, attempt to conquer a plot of land in Pandaria that was promised to them by Lei Shen. The invasion is repelled thanks to Jiang and the newly-founded Order of the Cloud Serpent. Ancient history (10,000 years ago and less) The Waking Wold and the Well of Eternity Sargeras senses the Highborne's use of the Well of Eternity and decides to invade Azeroth. Corrupting Queen Azshara and her followers, a portal is opened through which the Burning Legion enters the world and laids waste to the night-elven civilization. Burdens of Shaohao Shaohao, the last emperor of the Pandaren Empire, has a vision of the upcoming Burning Legion. He isolates his empire through the some magical mists, which protect it from the war and the ensuring disasters, but also leave it hidden from the rest of the world for thousands of years. War of the Ancients 1: The Well of Eternity War of the Ancients 2: The Demon Soul War of the Ancients 3: The Sundering The War of the Ancients The Sundering of the World Several night elves led by Malfurion Stormrage are able to destroy the Well of Eternity, preventing Sargeras from entering the world, and stopping the invasion. However, this also creates a massive cataclysm, called the Sundering, where eighty percent of Kalimdor's landmass is plunged between the waves, leaving only a handful of isolated continents. Mount Hyjal and Illidan’s Gift The World Tree and the Emerald Dream The Lunar Festival is created. -9,000 Curse of the Worgen (past) War of the Satyr -7,300 Exile of the High Elves (begins) The Sentinels and the long Vigil The Founding of Quel’Thalas (begins) -6,800 The Exile of High Elves (ends) The Founding of Quel’Thalas (ends) -2,800 Arathor and the Troll Wars -2,600 The First Guardian (Legends Vol. 5) The Guardians of Tirisfal -2,500 Ironforge – the Awakening of the Dwarves The Ironforge Dwarves awaken in Uldaman. Khaz Modan is founded. -1,200 The Seven Kingdoms The human kingdoms of Lordaeron, Alterac, Gilneas, Dalaran, and Stromgarde are formed on continental Lordaeron, north of Khaz Modan. The kingdom of Azeroth (later known as Stormwind) is formed on continental Azeroth. The kingdom of Kul Tiras is formed off of the coast of Khaz Modan. -1000 War of the Shifting Sands (past) -823 Cycle of Hatred (past begins) The Last Guardian (past begins) Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt -375 (Approx.) Last gnome royalty. -200 The draenei arrive on Draenor. -170 Dwarves meet gnomes and help them build Gnomeregan. -230 Shaman (prologue) War of the Three Hammers prior the year -45 A Warrior Made (Legends Vol. 4 and 5) Blackhand (prior the formation of the Horde) -45 - 44 Rise of the Horde (Draenor) Blood and Thunder (20 years before the formation of the Iron Horde (approximately the same date before the Orcish Horde)) Kil’jaeden and the Shadow Pact -26 Grommash Hellscream is born. -10 (Approx.) Lords of War (Past) -1 Family Values (Legends Vol. 2 starts) Unbroken (begins) 0 (Year 592 by the King’s Calendar) Rise of the Horde (Draenor, ends) Rise of the Horde The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind (begins) Lord of the Clans (beginning) First War (Warcraft: Orcs and Humans) The Last Guardian 4 Llane is assassinated. Lothar concedes that the war is lost and begins gathering people, ships, and supplies from the entire kingdom. 5 Blood of the Highborne (chapter 1) The Dark Portal and the Fall of Stormwind (ends) Stormwind falls to the orcs. Lothar flees with the kingdom's survivors. 6 Second War (Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness) Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness The Official Strategy Guide Tides of Darkness Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack (past) Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (begins) The Alliance of Lordearon Gul'dan (Lore Character Page) Ashbringer (beginning of #1) Beyond the Dark Portal (prologue) 8 Invasion of Draenor (Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal) Beyond the Dark Portal (main story & ending) The Invasion of Draenor The Burning Crusade Townhall/Flying Mounts: Nether Drakes (battlenet.pl) The Birth of Lich King Icecrown and the Frozen Throne 10 Day of the Dragon The Battle of Grim Batol Unbroken (ends) 17 Mage (past) 18 Letargy of the Orcs Lord of the Clans (main story) The New Horde War of the Spider Road to Damnation Kel’Thuzad and the Forming of the Sourge 19 Of Blood and Honor Lord of the Clans (ends) The Alliance Splinters 20 Third War (Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos) Vol'jin: The Judgment The Undead Plague Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (part 2 and 3) Death Knight (chapters 1-3) Blood of the Highborne (chapters 2 and 3) Ashbringer (middle of #1) The Scourge of Lordearon A Cleansing Fire (begins, Legends Vol. 5) Sunwell – The Fall of Quel’Thalas Archimonde’s Return and the Flight to Kalimdor Illidan (prologue) 21 The Battle of Mount Hyjal 22 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne First Brewfest, organized as a beer-tasting contest between Chen Stormstout, Grimbooze Thunderbrew and Coren Direbrew The Betrayer Ascendant Rise of the Blood Elves Civil War in the Plaguelands Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (end of part 3) Illidan (first chapters) Rise of the Lich King The Lich King Triumphant Old Hatreds – The Colonization of Kalimdor Warcraft RPG Warcraft RPG: Manual of Monsters Warcraft RPG: Alliance & Horde Compendium Warcraft RPG: Magic and Mayhem 23 Ashbringer (ending of #1, plus #2-#4) Sunwell Trilogy (begins) Warcraft RPG: Lands of Conflict Sunwell Trilogy (ends) Warcraft RPG: Shadows & Light War of the Ancients (present (starts and ends)) World of Warcraft RPG 24 A Cleansing Fire (ends, Legends Vol. 5) Cycle of Hatred World of Warcraft RPG: More Magic & Mayhem World of Warcraft RPG: Lands of Mystery 25 World of Warcraft 1.1 King Varian Wrynn is kidnapped. Bolvar Fordragon becomes Regent-Lord of Stormwind. "Varian" later (around the time of the end of the Burning Crusade) returns to the throne. The World of Warcraft Townhall The World of Warcraft Bestiary The Murlocs Troll Compendium A Shaman's Retribution (tauren, shaman) Mulgore Hidden Knowledge (human, warlock) Elwynn Forest Westfall Deadmines (original) Priestly Reckoning (Alliance, priest(night elf)) Redridge Mountains Durotar Ragefire Chasm (original) Barrens A Druid's Tale (Alliance, druid (night elf)) Wailing Caverns Stonetalon Mountains Tirisfal Glades The True Threat (undead, mage) Silverpine Forest Shadowfang Keep (original) Hillsbrad Foolhills The Light Stands Strong (human, paladin) Duskwood Stormwind Stockade (original) Teldrasil Darkshore Ashenvale Blackfathom Deeps A Warrior's Story (tauren, warrior) Dun Morogh Gnomeregan Loch Modan Wetlands A Hunter Prowls (Alliance, hunter (dwarf)) Scarlet Monastery Scarlet Monastery Graveyard Scarlet Monastery Library Scarlet Monastery Armory Scarlet Monastery Cathedral Attacking from the Shadow (Horde, rogue, name: Saslen (troll)) Razorfen Kraul and Razorfen Downs Thousand Needles Badlands Uldaman Tanaris Zul'Farrak Felwood Moonglade Western Plaguelands Scholomance (original) Swamp of Sorrows Temple of Atal'Hakkar Searning Gorge Burning Steppes Blackrock Mountain Blackrock Depths Molten Core Lower Blackrock Spire Upper Blackrock Spire (original) Eastern Plagulands Stratholme (original) Deadwind Pass Dustwallow Marsh Onyxia's Lair (original): Onyxia is slain by King Varian Wrynn. 1.2 Desolace Maraudon Feast of Winter Veil 1.3 Azshara Azuregos The Blasted Lands Lord Kazzak Feralas Dire Maul Warpwood Quarter Capital Gardens Gordok Commons 1.4 Archbishop Benedictus staged a temporary coup, and has taken the title of NPC leader of Stormwind City from Highlord Bolvar! Children’s Week Gurubashi Arena Un'Goro Crater Winterspring 1.5 Warsong Gulch Alterac Mountains Alterac Valley 1.6 Prince Thunderaan Blackwing Lair (underdev) Blackwing Lair Darkmoon Faire 1.7 Arathi Highlands Arathi Basin Stranglehorn Vale Zul'Gurub (original) Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza Goblins vs Gnomes 1.8 The Hinterlands Corrupted green dragons appear around the world from the Emerald Nightmare. Exploration of Silithus begins. Silithus Abyssal High Council Hollow’s End. World of Warcraft RPG: Alliance Player’s Guide World of Warcraft RPG: Horde Player’s Guide World of Warcraft RPG: Monster Guide 1.9 The Might of Kalimdor assaults Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom. The War Effort War of the Shifting Sands (present) Eranikus, Tyrant of the Dream Twilight Corrupter Lieutant General Nokhor Monsters of Ahn'Qiraj Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Maws Love is in the Air 1.10 Weather! 1.11 Teremus the Devourer World of Warcraft RPG: Dark Factions World of Warcraft (the Board Game) Naxxramas 1.12 Open violence between the Alliance and Horde begins in Silithus and the Eastern Plaguelands. Omen The Thrill of the Hunt (Legends Vol. 3) Bloodsail Buccaneer (Legends Vol. 4) How to Win Friends (Legends Vol. 1) Miles to Go (Legends Vol. 2) An Honest Trade (Legends Vol. 1) Warrior: Divided (Legends Vol. 2) Warrior: United (Legends Vol. 5) 26 Blood of the Highborne (chapter 4) 2.0.1 War in Outland. Blood elves under Kael'thas capture Tempest Keep. With the power of the Keep's Naaru, M'uru, the Blood Knights are formed months later, draining M'uru's power to wield its Light. Velen later leads a raid to liberate the Exodar and escape Outland. Blood elf saboteurs cause it to crash on Azeroth. Rise of the Horde (present and ends) The Dark Portal Opens under the command of Lord Kazzak. His forces are defeated by the Argent Dawn and Alliance and Horde forces. The latter create settlements in Outland. Shadow Wing Vol. 1: The Dragons of Outland, and Vol. 2: Nexus Point Tyrygosa seems to heal Malygos’s insanity. A Legion counterattack fails. The Portal is closed. The Portal is later reopened as Alliance and Horde take the battle to Outland. The Story So Far (The Burning Crusade) (battlenet.pl) The Burning Legion Returns (World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade Official Strategy Guide) The Burning Crusade 2.0.3 The Burning Crusade Townhall/The Burning Crusade Bestiary (battlenet.pl) The Burning Crusade Townhall/Blood Elves (battlenet.pl) The Burning Crusade Townhall/History of the Blood Elves (battlenet.pl) The Burning Crusade Townhall/Shamans and Paladins (battlenet.pl) Eversong Woods Ghostlands The Burning Crusade Townhall/Draenei (battlenet.pl) Azuremyst Isle Bloodmyst Isle The Burning Crusade Townhall/FAQ Frakcje (battlenet.pl) Highlord Kruul The Burning Crusade Townhall/Hellfire Citadel (battlenet.pl) Hellfire Peninsula Hellfire Citadel Hellfire Ramparts The Blood Furnace The Shattered Halls Magtheridon's Lair Zangarmarsh Coilfang Reservoir The Slave Pens The Underbog The Steamvault Serpentshrine Cavern Terokkar Forest Auchindoun Mana-Tombs Auchenai Crypts Sethekk Halls Shadow Labyrinth Blade's Edge Mountains Gruul's Lair Netherstorm Tempest Keep The Mechanar The Botanica The Arcatraz The Eye Nagrand The Burning Crusade Townhall/Karazhan (battlenet.pl) Karazhan The Burning Crusade Townhall/Caverns of Time (battlenet.pl) Escape from Durnholde Keep Opening the Dark Portal Battle for Mount Hyjal Doom Lord Kazzak Doomwalker Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War (past) The Journey (Legends Vol. 1) Crusader's Blood (Legends Vol. 3) (in conflict, because of the appearance of Renee Lauer) I Got What Yule Need (Legends Vol. 3) Blood Runs Thicker (Legends Vol. 4) World of Warcraft: The Comic (begins) 2.1 Illidan Harbringers: Illidan The Burning Crusade Townhall/Outland (battlenet.pl) Shadowmoon Valley Black Temple (begins) Demon Hunter intro Black Temple (ends) 2.2 Brewfest Headless Horseman 2.3 Zul’Aman (original) Dustwallow Marsh: Mudsprocket and crashed goblin zeppelin 2.4 A resurrected Kael'thas and his felblood minions take M'uru to the Sunwell Plateau. Lady Liadrin and her Blood Knights join the Shattered Sun Offensive, along with the Aldor and Scryer factions. Arena Tournament World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (the Board Game) Magisters' Terrace. The Burning Crusade Townhall/The Isle of Quel'Danas The Isle of Quel'Danas Sunwell Plateau 27 Night of the Dragon 3.0.2 Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (interludes and epilogue) The Lich King Arthas reawakens and begins his campaign of conquest anew. The Scarlet Crusade moves to Northrend in the wake of devastation, forming the Scarlet Onslaught. The Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade are formed at the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel. Zombie Infestation The Scourge begin regular attacks on Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. Barber Shops Inscriptions Fallen - Fear - Fiend - Fate (Legends Vol. 1, 2, 3 and 4) Wrath of the Lich King 3.0.3 The War against the Lich King begins. World of Warcraft: The Comic (ends) Northrend (Battlenet.pl) The Wrath of the Lich King Bestiary (Battlenet.pl) The Story So Far (Wrath of the Lich King) Death Knight (Battlenet.pl) Death Knight (ends) Tyr's Hand (Death Knight) Lor'themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun Dragonblight Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate Glory Battle for the Undercity Broken Front Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War Lokacje - Howling Fjord (Battlenet.pl) Howling Fjord Dungeons - Utgarde Keep Utgarde Keep Azjol-Nerub and Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Lokacje - Grizzly Hills (Battlenet.pl) Grizzly Hills Drak'Tharon Keep Zul'Drak Gundrak Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning The Bronze dragonflight sends heroes seven years into the past to prevent the Infinite dragonflight from interfering with the Culling of Stratholme. Utgarde Pinnacle Naxxramas Lokacje - Borean Tundra (Battlenet.pl) Borean Tundra Dalaran (battlenet.pl) Crystalsong Forest Dungeons - The Nexus Nexus War: The Wyrmrest Accord, the Kirin Tor, and its allies begin full-scale assaults on the Blue dragonflight and Malygos at Coldarra. The Nexus The Violet Hold Mage (present) The Oculus Eye of Eternity Sholazar Basin Alliance and Horde battle for dominance at Wintergrasp. Archavon the Stone Watcher is slain at the Vault of Archavon within Wintergrasp Fortress. Wintergrasp 3.1 Storm Peaks Dungeons - Ulduar Ulduar Bosstiary Ulduar Yogg-Saron is defeated. Re-origination of Azeroth at the hands of Algalon the Observer is averted. The second of the Vault of Archavon's four watchers falls, Emalon the Storm Watcher. World of Warcraft: The Comic Special Issue 1: Beginnings and Ends Icecrown The Argent Tournament Begins! Silver Hand, Ebon Blade 3.2 The Argent Tournament Grounds have been completed. Highlords Tirion Fordring and Darion Mograine have the forces of Alliance, Horde, Argent Crusade, and Knights of the Ebon Blade compete to decide which champions will participate in the final assault on Icecrown Citadel. Trial of the Champion The Argent Crusade's champions are sent to aid the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant against the Kvaldir at Hrothgar's Landing. Trial of the Crusader/Trial of the Grand Crusader Conflict between Alliance and Horde at the Isle of Conquest. The third watcher of the Vault of Archavon falls, Koralon the Flame Watcher. The Brood Mother (Onyxia) Returns 3.3 The Ashen Verdict makes its final assault on Icecrown Citadel. Forge of Souls Pit of Saron Halls of Reflection Icecrown Citadel: The forces of the Ashen Verdict destroy the Lich King's mightiest servants. The Lich King Arthas is killed. Bolvar Fordragon is crowned the new Lich King. The final watcher of the Vault of Archavon, Toravon the Ice Watcher, is destroyed. Ruby Sanctum Operation Gnomergan Gelbin Mekkatorque and his gnomes retake Gnomeregan's surface. Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short Lokacje - New Tinkertown (battlenet.pl) Zalazane's fall The Darkspear trolls and their allies retake Echo Isles from Zalazane. Lokacje - Echo Isles (battlenet.pl) Li Li's Travel Journal (1-4) Pearl of Pandaria Stormrage (along Nightmares from Legends Vol. 5) War against the Nightmare Shaman Dark Riders 28 4.0.1 The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm Najważniejsze postacie (Faces of Cataclysm) (battlenet.pl) Cataclysm 4.0.3a Deathwing returns to Azeroth, scarring it with a great cataclysm. Bloodsworn The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith Invasion of Gilneas Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night Curse of the Worgen (present) Worgeni (battlenet.pl) Lokacje - Gilneas (battlenet.pl) Gilneas is left in ruins Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack (present) Gilneas The Invasion of Gilneas ceases at the Greymane Wall. Though the Forsaken lose their holdings in Gilneas, a truce halts the Gilneas Liberation Front from entering Silverpine Forest. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner is assassinated by Lord Godfrey but resurrected after Godfrey and his allies are forced to retreat. Tirisfal Glades Silverpine Forest Shadowfang Keep Gilneas Battleground Battle for Gilneas Lokacje - Lost Isles (battlenet.pl) Lost Isles Gobliny (battlenet.pl) Kezan Kezan is destroyed; the Bilgewater Cartel joins the Horde. Bilgewater Harbor is built in Azshara. Trade Prince Jastor Gallywix writes his autobiography Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince (ends here, unknown start) The Story So Far (Cataclysm) Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us Odnowione lokacje - Azshara (battlenet.pl) Azshara Odnowione lokacje - Darkshore (battlenet.pl) Wolfheart (after the shattering but before the new Ashenvale questline) Odnowione lokacje - Ashenvale (battlenet.pl) Ashenvale Odnowione lokacje - Southern Barrens (battlenet.pl) Sothern Barrens Smokywood Pastures Presents: A Winter Veil Carol Velen: Prophet's Lesson Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers The Defias Brotherhood is reborn under Vanessa VanCleef after roughly five years of inactivity. Deadmines Stormwind Stockade Lokacje - Mount Hyjal (battlenet.pl) (cześć na WoWcenter.pl) Mount Hyjal Twilight's Hammer agents ally with Ragnaros the Firelord at Mount Hyjal and attempt to burn down Nordrassil. Lokacje - Stonecore (battlenet.pl) Vashj'ir appears. Lokacje - Vashj'ir (battlenet.pl) (cześć na WoWcenter.pl) Vashj'ir Lokacje - Abyssal Maw (battlenet.pl) Throne of the Tides Deepholm Uldum Uldum Lost City of the Tol'vir Lokacje - Halls of origination (battlenet.pl) Halls of Origination The Skywall is attacked. Vortex Pinnacle. Throne of the Four Winds: Al'akir is slain permanently. Lokacje - Tol Barad (battlenet.pl) Conflict breaks out at Tol Barad. Tol Barad The demons of Baradin Hold are defeated. Wildhammer Clan rejoins Alliance; Dragonmaw Clan rejoins the Horde. Lokacje - Twin Peaks (battlenet.pl) Twin Peaks Lokacje - Grim Batol (battlenet.pl) Grim Batol Lokacje - Twilight Highlands (battlenet.pl) Twilight Highlands Bastion of Twilight: Cho'Gall and Sinestra are defeated. Blackrock Caverns Blackwing Descent: The resurrected Nefarian and Onyxia are slain. Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects 4.1 The Gurubashi and Amani trolls unite under the Zandalari. Zul'Gurub: Jin'do the Godbreaker is killed. Zul'Aman: Daakara is killed. 4.2 Ragnaros and his minions try to set Nordrassil to flame. Fighting breaks out within the Firelands itself. The area of Mount Hyjal that was scorched in the Second Battle of Mount Hyjal has been extinguished of flame and the forest has begun to regrow. Agents from the Firelands bypass or destroy the wards and reinvade the area. Quest Chain: Elemental Bonds Firelands: Sulfuron Keep is sieged. Fandral Staghelm is killed as leader of the Druids of the Flame. Ragnaros the Firelord is permanently defeated in the Firelands. Uncertainty looms over the blue dragonflight's domain, the Nexus, as its members struggle to appoint a new leader. Split between the two likeliest successors--Kalecgos and Arygos--the flight has agreed to meet during a rare celestial event known as the Embrace in the hopes that a new Aspect will finally be chosen. The bronze dragon Anachronos, however, has detected something sinister at work around the Nexus, threatening to compromise the ceremony. If a hero does not rise to investigate these dark forces and uncover their intentions, Anachronos believes that Azeroth's doom is imminent. 4.3 Alizabal The final assault on Deathwing and the Twilight's Hammer begins. Charge of the Aspects End Time Well of Eternity: Agents of the Alliance and Horde are sent back 10,028 years to retrieve the Dragon Soul from the War of the Ancients. Hour of Twilight: The siege of Wyrmrest Temple. Archbishop Benedictus is revealed to be the "Twilight Father" and is killed. Dragon Soul: Deathwing is destroyed by Thrall and the Dragon Aspects at the Maelstrom using the Dragon Soul. A second cataclysm is averted. The Aspects are reduced to mortal state and the "Age of Mortals" begins. Cataclysm Recap Video: Legendary Rogue 5.0.4 Quest for Pandaria Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War Attack on Theramore Isle Alliance-Horde War evolves into a full-scale conflict 30 The Skyseeker crashes into the Wandering Isle Pandaren of Shen-zin Su split into two major groups, Tushui and Huojin and join the Alliance and Horde, respectively. Mnich (battlenet.pl) Pandareni (battlenet.pl) Pandaria is accidentally discovered by the Alliance and Horde fleets Mists of Pandaria Bestiary Salyis's Warband Anduin Wrynn is captured by the Horde but later escapes. Battle of the Serpent's Heart. The sha threat caused by the massive surge of negative energy becomes a grave danger for Pandaria and its denizens. Sha of Anger Zandalari and other allied troll tribes rejoin with their ancient Mogu allies and resurrect Lei Shen. Mists of Pandaria 5.1 The Alliance and Horde navies make landfall in the Krasarang Wilds of Pandaria. A Little Patience Li Li's Travel Journal (5-11) The Trial of the Red Blossoms The Strength of Steel (begins) Bleeding Sun Dawn of the Aspects (present) Dagger in the Dark: An assassination attempt by the Garrosh's men forces Vol'jin into hiding. Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde The Blank Scroll The Strength of Steel (ends) Lion's Landing Domination Point Assault on Zan'vess Garrosh's agents raid Darnassus to sabotage Lor'themar's negotiations with the Alliance. The Purge of Dalaran: The Horde is removed from Dalaran. The Divine Bell is shattered. 5.2 The Zandalar tribe ally with a revived Lei Shen and his Mogu subjects. The Kirin Tor Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught land on the Isle of Thunder. Nalak Oondasta Throne of Thunder 5.3 Vol'jin returns to Durotar. The Darkspear Rebellion begins. The Alliance forms a truce with the rebels to take out Garrosh Hellscream. Battlefield: Barrens The rebels liberate Razor Hill. Deepwind Gorge: Alliance and Horde battle in the Valley of the Four Winds. Battle on the High Seas Blood in the Snow Dark Heart of Pandaria The Secrets of Ragefire The Jade Hunters (after the events of Escalation; otherwise not specified) Over Water The Untamed Valley 5.4 Heart of Y'Shaarj is unearthed. Garrosh Hellscream uses the Pools of Power to revive the Heart, destroying half of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the process. Sha of Pride is unleashed. Siege of Orgrimmar begins. Most of the Kor'kron are wiped out. Garrosh is dethroned and captured, then moved to Pandaria for trial. Vol'jin replaces Garrosh as Warchief of the Horde. Timeless Isle appears. War Crimes Garrosh Hellscream escapes from custody in Pandaria with the help of Wrathion, Kairoz, and Zaela; he is taken by Kairoz to the Draenor of Timeline B, 35 years earlier. -4, Timeline B Harbringers: Gul'dan Hellscream Kairozdormu tells Garrosh that he intends for him to create the first of many new Hordes. Not wanting to be a pawn, Garrosh betrays and kills Kairoz with a shard of the [Vision of Time]. Garrosh uses the shard to convince Grom Hellscream not to drink Mannoroth's blood, and to instead create the Iron Horde. Gul'dan and the Stranger Code of Rule Warlords of Draenor 6.0.2 Grom rejects the demon blood, kills Mannoroth, and captures Gul'dan. 31, Timeline A / -2, Timeline B (Time collision) The Dark Portal on Draenor in Timeline B is connected to the one on Azeroth in the present of Timeline A; The portal's glow turns from green to red, and both timelines' events run simultaneously from this point. The Iron Horde's initial invasion of Azeroth. Lords of War The Ironmarch pours out of the Dark Portal and makes it all the way to Blackrock Spire, destroying Nethergarde Keep along the way. 6.0.3a Apocrypha (present line) In retaliation, Khadgar assembles the champions of the Alliance and the Horde, leading them through the portal to stop the Iron Horde on Draenor once and for all. In Tanaan Jungle, Draenor's Dark Portal is destroyed by the Azerothian strike force, severing its connection. Beasts of the Savage World The Horde expedition arrives at Frostfire Ridge. They establish a garrison named Frostwall and help the Frostwolf Clan conquer Bladespire Citadel. The Alliance expedition ventures into Shadowmoon Valley and establish contact with the local draenei, including Timeline B's Velen. They establish a garrison named Lunarfall. Khadgar's offensive deals a crushing blow to the Iron Horde. The Frostwolves and the Horde slay Warlord Fenris of the Thunderlord Clan at Grom'gar and halt the Iron Horde's invasion during the Battle of Thunder Pass. The Draenei and the Alliance force Ner'zhul into hiding after the Dark Star is purified by Velen's sacrifice, and successfully repel the Iron Horde invading Karabor. Later on, Ner'zhul meets his end in his clan's burial grounds. Shattrath City is liberated from Iron Horde control and Blackhand is forced to escape, though not before killing Maraad and Orgrim Doomhammer during the confrontation. At some point, however, the liberated city is occupied by the Shadow Council. In Nagrand, Warlord Dharl of the Burning Blade Clan is slain at Hallvalor, followed by Garrosh Hellscream, who ultimately meets his end at Thrall's hands during the Siege of Grommashar. Later on, the Alliance, Horde and Cho'gall's pale orcs attack Highmaul, Kargath Bladefist is slain by adventurers while Imperator Mar'gok dies at Cho'gall's hands and the Gorian Empire is left crippled. Warlord Azuka, Dharl's successor, is slain in Bladefury's Command by the commanders. Inside Blackrock Foundry, adventurers defeat Blackhand once and for all. 6.1 Grommash's failure breeds dissent within the ranks, affording the warlock Gul'dan the opportunity to usurp the Iron Horde and summon the demonic Burning Legion to Draenor, joined by Warlord Kilrogg of the Bleeding Hollow Clan. 6.2 Gul'dan persuades the Iron Horde's remaining leaders to serve the Burning Legion, imprisons Grommash, and also recruits the aid of Shadow-Sage Iskar and the Sethekk arakkoa. Gul'dan takes control of Hellfire Citadel, intending to use it as a staging area for the Legion to invade Draenor. He then proceeds to summon the demon lord Archimonde. The heroes of Azeroth assault the citadel’s gates, invading from both land and sea. Aided by Khadgar, Yrel, Durotan and a freed Grommash, Azeroth's champions battle their way through the horrors unleashed within Hellfire Citadel. After a harrowing struggle that nearly destroys Draenor, the heroes are able to cast down Archimonde. As he falls, Archimonde hurls Gul'dan through a portal to fulfill his pact with the Legion. 32 Magni: Fault Lines (Magni: serce z kamienia) The Tomb of Sargeras (Grobowiec Sargerasa) Legion pre-expansion patch clip Harbringers: Khadgar Legion announcement trailer The demons invade several areas in Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Legion cinematic trailer Alliance and Horde fight the Legion at the Broken Shore - King Varian Wrynn, Warchief Vol'jin and Tirion Fordring are killed. Broken Shore cinematic Legion – Sylvanas and Vol'jin cinematic Nightborne: Twilight of Suramar (dzieci nocy: zmierzch Suramaru) Highmountain: a mountain devided (Plemię wysokiej góry: podzielona góra) Anduin: Son of the Wolf (Anduin: Dziedzic Wilka) Demon Hunter cinematic #2 Legion cinematic teaser Legion The Alliance and Horde attack the Broken Isles as a whole. |
Czyli od Cataclysmu fabuła jakoś się tam łączy, a jak wygląda sprawa pomiędzy W3 + FT, a podstawką + TBC + WoLK?
W podstawce nie było jednego dużego wątku fabularnego, za to dziesiątki mniejszych. Poznawaliśmy głównie świat Warcrafta po wydarzeniach z trójki, jego codzienne konflikty, itp. Jeśli nawet byliśmy faktycznie rzucani do rajdów na jakieś poważniejsze dla świata zagrożenie, to nie były one ze sobą za bardzo powiązane. Z tych najbardziej złych dla pamiętających trójkę rozpoznawalny jest chyba tylko Kel'Thuzad. Oczywiście możemy spotkać wielu znajomych bohaterów (którzy w później dodatkach odgrywają ważniejszą rolę).
Jakiś większy cel, do którego dążymy od początku, wprowadzono dopiero od TBC, jednak i tu cały wątek zamykał się w zasadzie w ramach jednego dodatku (jakieś gładsze przejścia obserwujemy począwszy od przejścia z Cata do MoP-a). TBC i WoTLK kontynuują dwa wątki z W3 i jego dodatku, czyli Illidana i Płonący Legion oraz Króla Licza i plagi nieumarłych. W Cataclysmie więzy z trójką są poluzowane i żeby coś się więcej o tym całym smoku dowiedzieć, trzeba by było cofnąć się do dwójki. MoP to prawie w 100% nowość, bo rozwija koncepcję pandarenów, rasy pierwotnie wymyślonej na potrzeby żartu primaaprilisowego przy W3. Później troszkę ich w dodatku Frozen THrone "upoważniono" (jeden z nich jest jednym z trzech głównych grywalnych postaci bonusowej kampanii w dodatku, a jego pobratymcy są, zdaje się, możliwymi do zwerbowania bohaterami neutralnymi podczas normalnej gry). |
Bardzo pełna i wyjaśniająca wszystko co mnie interesowało odpowiedź. A jak wygląda sprawa z WoDem i Legionem? |
“Never waste energy on worries or negative thoughts, all problems are brought into existence– drop them.” - Bruce Lee
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Przy WoD taki jeden ork namieszał z czasem i teraz Azeroth zagraża kolejna inwazja niepokojowych orków. Musimy wyruszyć do ich świata i zgasić zagrożenie w zarodku. Zobaczymy jak wyglądałaby orcza horda niekierowana przez demony (przynajmniej na początku), która dostała zarazem potężnego kopa technologicznego. Zobaczyć można alternatywne wersje orkowych wodzów znanych z W2 (choć akurat Gromasz powrócił także i w W3). Od tego dodatku dużą rolę zaczyna odgrywać Khadgar (ten prawdziwy, ostatnio widziany w W2, a później w mniejszej roli w TBC), pomagający obydwu grywalnym frakcjom. Graczom Hordy pomaga Thrall (też ten prawdziwy).
Legion powinien być wyjaśniony w linku powyżej. |
Bardzo mi pomagacie, teraz wszystko robi się coraz bardziej klarowne! Zaczynam doceniać polskie community WoWa, po przygodach z innymi grami MMO/Mulitiplayer to naprawdę miła odmiana.