Hello my name is Zoldam and I'm a griefer!
I enjoy ganking lowbies if I happen to come across one.
I enjoy ruining enemy raids/groups doing an elite quest.
I enjoy kiting dangerous mobs to towns/cities.
I enjoy trolling trade.
I enjoy world PvP (Since World PvP = Griefing I have been told).
I enjoy finding ways to make PvP miserable for the enemy faction.
I enjoy finding ways to make PvE miserable for the enemy faction.
I enjoy slowing down enemy faction raids by not letting them use the summoning stone.
I enjoy leveling alts so I can experience ganking from each classes PoV.
I enjoy being a no life loser because I have fun doing it.
I enjoy infecting players when any plagues show up.
I enjoy watching boss mobs (cough Shandris) murder 100 people with a 1 shot AOE, especially if I am the one that kited it there.
And I have been having fun doing it, PvE? Stopped that in 3.2 when Trial of the Fail came out. PvP? I BG and grief anywhere I go, I make the enemy faction cry and whine as much as possible. I like warring within the world that it World of Warcraft.
How much fun are you having?