Sorry For my bad english at 1st ..
Hello Guys...
I got scammed while I was looking for someone to help me to reach 2k.
At first I've found a mage.
He asked me to give him 6000g for reaching 2k before we start.
So I did that, Then he said give me more 3000g becuase he is in a team whose aim is glad.
So I did that and I took many screenshots that shows our deal.
After that, we played a game and we losed it ,Then he came offline without telling me anything and he left the team later.
So naturally I made a ticket and I wrote everything inside it.
But I really got shocked of the reply of the GM.
He said that they can't do anything for like these arrguments in trade and like that issues.
I admitted that I made a big mistake, But I belive that every human do mistakes in his life, But he alwayes look beyond for the solutions.
The thing I can't belive is :Why is it so hard to give my gold back to me?
The evidence I have is the screenshots, that will show you guys the deal and everything.
These screenshots will reavel that he was accepted the deal and I gave him all the money, but I didn't reach 2k .
At the end I wish you can offer me some solutions because I lost all my gold now.