Blizzard rhymes with lizzard.
There are 7 letters in lizzard.
Do you know what else contains letters?
The Warcraft icon is round.
Do you know what else is round?
Yes, an eye.
What is this all about you may say?
Look again.
Eye. Eye has 3 letters. A pyramid has 3 sides.
Do you see it now?
Illuminati has a pyramid.
Blizzard = illuminati confirmed.
Blizzard rhymes with lizzard.
There are 7 letters in lizzard.
Do you know what else contains letters?
The Warcraft icon is round.
Do you know what else is round?
Yes, an eye.
What is this all about you may say?
Look again.
Eye. Eye has 3 letters. A pyramid has 3 sides.
Do you see it now?
Illuminati has a pyramid.
Blizzard = illuminati confirmed.