Hi people, ok i need some advice, first of all i switch around a lot, from my home network, to my dads work network, which are about 45 minutes away, and when i try to log in it says that it has detected a change pattern and before i know it my account says it has been banned permanently...!!!!! i mean wtf!? i was just on last night i did not do anything? how do i get my account back? they sent me a email telling that someone reported that it might be compromised... but who? and will i still have my items, toons, gold, everything?? please help!
For those of us that play WoW on Dial-Up hear me out, and blizz.
I have played wow on dial-up since the beginning of Cataclysm. Now, seeing that Blizz added new locations and npcs items, and more people are now playing, i would like to add my ideas to blizz developers. In the Escape menu there should be and option. <Internet> And in this option you should be able to select which internet service you use, so for me i would hit Dial-up. When you hit the Dial-Up option the game should automatically run only the maps, items, npcs and players that are in your guild, ONLY in the area that you are in, because my game is trying to load EVERYTHING in WoW on my crappy internet. so if the Blizz developers could make a new feature that would reduce lag for users like me, because my latency is usually around 4k, so if i were to go into Org then it would take 10 bloody minutes to load a vendor, bank, person, whisper.... and so on and so forth. So if you guys could figure out a new way to majorly reduce lag for Dial-up people i would really like that, because i love wow, and the only way that i am going to continue with my subscription is that it will be faster. Try to figure out a way please. :D Zhonn |