"For Arena matches lasting longer than 15 minutes, one of the teams will receive a buff called "The Crowd Chose You" that increases damage, critical strike chance, stealth detection, and reduces damage taken. The buff is awarded based on the following criteria.
Team with the largest number of players alive.
Team that brought an enemy player closest to death (lowest health)."
Why in the world do you think LFR style will work for the best in arenas?
So If our 3rd fails to join in, and we are widdle down a 2v3 in arenas you give the other team a buff just to end it?
I would Rather lose by Draw or Lose Fairly then have the other team 'Take less damage and deal more damage' to win not by skill not by gear no by PVE gear but because they got a free buff?!
Will this buff be spell steal-able? If so GG mages.