wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     



I have been playing World of Warcraft for some time now. I play on low populated realms such The Venture Co. & Sporeggar as well as some other RP/RP-PvP realms with dwindling populations. I'm a bit of a loner in WoW & I prefer it that way which is why I choose to continue playing on realms that are consider empty or dead. Here's some reasons as to why...

* Questing - I like to level at a reasonable pace. When it comes to kill quests (kill 20 bears for example) or collection quest (find 10 weapons from weapon racks for example) I like to run in, do what I gotta do & run out. However I now sometimes find my self waiting around for re-spawns & basically competing with other players in area for quest objectives... Thanks to Cross Realm Zones (CRZ's).

Also I have encounter some bizarre players who act like they have never seen another player whilst levelling, who end follow you around & wont shut up. Others use the fact of playing in a Cross Realm Zone to be idiotic, rude, offensive & basically just annoying... Much like the spoons you encounter in the LFD system.

* World/Zone Drops - Another reason as to why I like to play on empty realms is because I am usually one of few players actually out in the world rather than sat in a city. This means I am more likely to see rare world/zone drops which can be useful for levelling, good for transmogging or useful for making gold on the AH.

* Rare Elites - If I want to go out & tame a Rare Elite on my Hunter or even kill Rare Elites for achievements, on an empty realm I know I can just fly out to it's location & 95% of the time the rare elite will be there. I haven't had any issues with this yet, however its only a matter of time until all zones are enabled as Cross Realm Zones (CRZ) then this is going to be problematic for me.

* Ganking - Anyone who has played on a PvP realm has probably been ganked at some point or another, most of us can see the funny side... but this is on another level, it's just insane.

* Gathering - Now some may see this as a selfish reason, but when you play on a realm with a massively low population such as Sporeggar being able to gather your own material is vital as the auction house has quite literally nothing on it, especially when it come to low level mats used for levelling a profession. So Cross Realm Zones have a massive negative impact on players who play on under populated realms because there is too much competition out in the world gathering the stuff your self, yet none on the AH or anyone to turn to on your server.

I understand that not everyone who plays on a realm with a low population enjoys it & I understand that Cross Realm Zones (CRZ) are a way to try & fix issue, but please, MAKE IT OPTIONAL!!! All I am asking for is an option that can be toggled in a menu or an NPC to talk with to opt yourself out of Cross Realm Zones (CRZ)...Pretty please!

Edit: Just to be clear I don't oppose Cross Realm Zones (CRZ) in fact I welcome it! I just believe that it should be optional!