I have no problem with shortcuts to virtual stores. But however, I hardly call 16 items currently worthy of it's own section. I have already bought 4 of the items on this battlenet account and 10 on my other one. Why do I want to see stuff that I already own or plan on owning?
Netflix has a bunch of shortcuts, but there are hundreds of movies to choose from. PSN and XBL have many places to buy content, but there are thousands of things to buy.
With blizzard in game store we have a button in the character screen, one in the game menu, one on the action windows and what for? To buy some mount we could always go on the site for? I mean who hasn't heard about the iron skyreaver by now? It's not like we get weekly or even monthly updates with that.
So I ask again: Why?
Unless blizzard has some plan to make more stuff, then I fail to see the point of making more buttons and more links to their so called store.