After reading this article
And watching the opening Cinematic here
I came to realize something, The reason I started playing this game was for the war part (aka pvp). I still get tingles when the opening narrator says “The drums of war thunder once again”. The cinematic goes on to show a Night Elf fighting an Orc, A human Mage fighting an Undead Warlock, and a Dwarf Hunter fighting a Tauren Shaman (I think, he has a giant tree for a weapon). Nowhere in the cinematic does it show a group of people fighting some dragon. It is all about the 2 factions fighting one another.
WoW today has evolved into a PvE focused environment, And the formula seems to work. compared to 2005 the relative popularity has grown a great deal. I ask, what have we lost?
It’s just today’s wow seems a bit pasteurized. I understand people do not enjoy being ganked when trying to quest, but this was a part of the game that made it so crazy and fun. Leveling in 2004 from 1-60 was easily the greatest gaming experience of my life. The ganking, random PvP, the camping, and the organizing an entire Zone to group up and kill a high level ganker were some of the most memorable experiences I have had from WoW. If people did not like it, they could always re-rill on a PvE server... Today you can level from 1-85 ON A PVP SERVER and never even see the other faction.
I am hoping MoP and the “No fly” rule in the new zones will do something to reignite some of the horde/alliance rivalry.
Please Blizzard, don’t forgets the roots of this game. This is a faction based war game.
Thank you.