I know relative threads like thiis have popped up before, but they never really got the point right.
By that I mean that the outdated character models are always looked at from the player's perspective. Of course, update models/skins would be awesome, but they can also be justified from the lore or story perspective.
Firstly, not only updating the current models, but also expanding on what we have available would be a great leap ahead.
I'll try and justify this from a lore perspective rather than me just going "omg AWSUM, WANT PLZ !!!"
Dark Iron Dwarves have been around for a long time, but up until now the lore never justified players being able to play as one. Now it does. With the Cataclysm one clan of the Dark Iron Dwarves led by Moira Thaurissan has joined the Alliance (while most other clans joined the Twilight Hammer cult). As a part of the Alliance, players who'd like to pick a Dwarf should be able to pick a Dark Iron skin colour, right?
I'm not saying we should get all the specials like Earthen and Iron Dwarves though, but just the most logical ones.
The Mag'har, the untainted Orcs, have been reunited with the Horde in Outland and many of them came back to Azeroth (just take Varok Saurfang's son as an example). This should warrant the possibility of people playing as one of the Mag'har fighting for the Horde.
Taunka, because they're awesome. No really though, they've sworn allegiance to the Horde during the Northrend campaign, forever being part of it.
The Darkkspear Tribe led by Vol'jin is the only known Troll tribe to have joined with the Horde, yet almost every other tribe so far has had the updated models which were first introduced in Zul'aman and the Amani tribe. Of course The Amani tribe are Forest/Jungle Trolls while the Darkspear are Island Trolls but even they should have the berserkers among them, right? You've all seen them, the updated Troll models with rippling muscles and bigger mohawks.
I know this might bring some technical difficulties, but at the same time I can't help but think the models, wireframes and skins are there, just waiting to be used by the players who'd love to be a Troll Berserker, a Taunka Druid, a Dark Iron Shaman or Mag'har Warrior.
I also realize I haven't mentioned all possibilities for new skins, but these popped up as primary ones in my mind.
Don't get me wrong, this is by no means a post telling Blizzard what they should be doing, or QQ'ing about it. I'd like to think of this a suggestion to the Blizzard team, which has already been doing a great job with Cataclysm so far.
I've also talked to many people in-game about this, and not a single on disagreed that they'd be happy to see this happen, even if not for themselves it would strengthen the lore and bring more flavour into the game.
I'd also like to hear what the community thinks about this from this point of view rather than the personal view of "I look outdated, gief update".
Please respond constructively though, I'd hate to see this thread die out or be locked like others before it, this really is a topic worth discussing.