wikass zabił Mythrax the Unraveler (Normal Uldir) po raz 2.     
kuturin zdobył 7th Legionnaire's Cuffs.     


WoW must suck” wysłany:
for all the poor non-hero citizens of Azeroth.

"I'm going to go to the market to get some bread. I'll be back if I'm not mauled to death by bears, stung by a wasp the size of a tauren, absorbed by a slime monster, eaten by zombies, carried off by a spider the size of a horse, stabbed to death by 6 bandits, abducted by demons, killed by the opposing faction for entertainment, indoctrinated into the twilight cult, pecked to death by oversized birds or enslaved by sentient statue people.

I tried pre-digging my own grave to save you all the trouble but I unearthed a old god in the process so you and the kids will have to deal with that sometime today."
What's the point in dungeons” wysłany:
If there's next to no reason to do them?

MoP gave us the incentive to run them for Valor points and personally, I loved it. It gave me a reason to go do dungeons.

But now, since I've out geared them...why should I bother returning? All that hard work put into dungeons by Blizzard and I only have enough incentive to run them for 1-2 weeks before never returning to them for the rest of the expansion.

Before anyone pulls the "if you like it then you don't need a reward to do it": try applying that logic to running raids by removing gear drops from them and see how well that works out.

So I'm just sayin', Blizz, please give us some form of incentive to do 5 mans. A trivial amount of garrison resources and a petty amount of gold isn't good incentive.
Blood and fluffy kittens, lok'tar something something, delicious rocks, smash Alliance scum, yay Horde stuff!

Current topic: Discuss classified battle plans regarding the Alliance scum

Before anyone asks I'm just a very albino Orc.

It has 968 health and is level 20.

There's only one explanation for this: It became sentient and is now on a mass murder spree working its way up to 90 and then to raid boss status. It must of easily killed hundreds of people on its way to level 20.