Eh, I'm not trying to make a big deal out of me quitting or anything, because i know on the grand scale of things, i don't matter.
The only reason i made this thread is to ask how many other people are close to quitting WoW soon too and why, or even why not.
For me, its because I've played since Vanilla and this game has just become incredibly stale since I've played this game to death... Everything looks the same to me anymore. Every raid is just the same idea - hit the boss, do a dance, Yay! Loot Pinata. Nothing is engaging or interesting, WoW just can not keep my attention.
WoW is also officially running off the "B-team" of coders. While the "A-Team" has been assigned to Project Titan. There was a video i found stating this on youtube, sadly I can't find it for you guys =-( Just spent 20 minutes looking for it. Developers are growing tired of designing WoW. So this means 2 things. Less content, and worse quality of said content. Evidence of this is WoW losing 900k subscribers in 6 months.
Balancing in WoW is attrotious. I still ponder why there arnt just two sides to every spell. IE - Every spell has 2 codes. One that works specifically with players, and the other with non-players. IE a nuking spell in PVE will do less dmg on a player target in pvp.
Top rated PvP is almost nothing but "which team has the better comp". Ever wonder why WoW isn't an e-sport? It's because most of the outcomes of the games can be predicted right at the start based on the team's composition. This is why I've never made an honest attempt to do well in PvP. I've seen far to many games be won because of the classes playing, rather then the skill of the players.
The community doesn't really bother me, despite how atrocious it is. (At least its not the StarCraft community =-D) but its pretty close. Trade actually makes me laugh, but not for the reason you would think. I laugh at the difference I see between now and launch. Back in the day, if some new played asked a common knowledge question, they got an answer. Now (as all of us already know) they get flamed, trolled, ridiculed, and harassed. It is sad honestly how a community becomes increasing terrible the more mainstream the game in question becomes.
The dungeon system is a very useful, however pointless tool. Que by yourself, you get the some of the worst players you'll ever see. They are rude, internet tough guys, who are 1337 sawce breh. Que with a full guild group, zoom right through everything with out a problem. So all the Random dungeon system is (for guilds at least) is a taxi cab with a bonus at the end. And for everyone else it a masochist's dream come true.
Whilst MMORPGs are supposed to be a grindfest and i get that, after a while; dailies and grinding VP stop being dailies and start to feel like going to work and are more of a tedious, unwanted chore then "content."
So essentially what I'm saying in a nutshell is this - I am tired of the MMORPG style of play. I do not think I will ever play another one. Because right away it will be compared to WoW, be deemed worse, then Ill stop playing the new MMORPG.
So whatever your guy's reason is, i want to know because...idk im bored and have nothing better to do then see what other people think of WoW's current and future state of being.
Thanks for your posts guys. And I'd like to thank Blizzard for the quality game that WoW is. WoW has it flaws, but it also has some fantastic parts as well.