i am not critical of any moderator or anyone 99% of the time i try to post constructive ideas ..
if we cannot post said idea's on this forum perhaps you can tell me where i can and not waste an hour writing up a really nice idea only to have it tossed in the trash like it never existed.
just simple explanation to the authors who post here would be lovely and perhaps maybe get better feedback. im not home alot. and when i see something that could be improved in the game i try to post it my idea only to have it deleted and no word on as to why... this is the internet but at the same time im expressing my right to free speech and free expression.
if idea's are so bad pray tell at least give a inkling of a response to them personally its just a better way of dealing with customer and with people in general. ill remind you that im not a kid, and an business owner myself. As an example. if i have to discipline a personnel id at least tell them in person or in writing. this way you don't get repeated failures in the future and improves your understanding of each other. same applies here please don't treat everyone here as a child as i have seen in some mods words and some of them come off with a very snotty attitude ... i don't know if some are volunteers and if you are thank you for that.
For the paid moderators i thank you for your hard work as well. but to you all... just be a little more kind to people who are actually trying to post constructively, you never know that idea that you tossed in the delete pile could have been the next great thing for the game. perhaps you wanted it for your self and as such want to claim it for yourself hahahah nice going ... im joking .
i did have an idea that got used in this game and i posted about it long time back and that thread got deleted yet a few months later we had an announcement and befriending people from other realms. so you get my point.
what i see also is a lack of trust with moderators in general within the community... so please take heed of that and not everyone is a forum troll just wanting to make fun of everything. thank you ahead of time if you answer to this and if not then thank you any ways.