I don't play this game anymore because it now sucks so much but i still like too check up on mmo champion just to see whats happening. And i just gotta say, wow, this is hysterical. Was reading the post about Interviews: Warcraft after Cataclysm and i saw something that the game developers still havent quite understood about why everyone has stopped playing :D. This was the line that I laughed at:
"They realize some people quit because they made the content more accessible to everyone and it no longer felt elite."
XD Its just my god how can anyone be so dumb that they havent realised that the main majority of the player base was in fact casual gamers that couldnt do anything in cataclysm BECAUSE it was way too elite xD Seriously i subscribed a few weeks ago after about a month of not playing it since patch 4.2 and i hadnt even done one raid, couldnt kill the bosses. By the time that raid nerf happened it was already too late cause people in my guild were fed up with the game and couldnt be bothered to raid old raids purely because they had had to wait for so long just to be able to do them :P
Now if blizzard plans on making any more expansions on this once good game that continue the trend of the elite players get to do all the content first and leave the majority of players without anything to do, having to wait for the chance to do the raid (which by that time another raid will be out and everyone will be feeling left out) then as the title of this thread suggests, this game is going to completely fail :).
But then again it dosent matter, once ToR and GW2 come out that will be the end. Some of you may wonder why i'd waste my time with this if i dont play anymore but i suppose i hold a soft spot in my heart for those who do still like the game and are being crapped on by developers who dont even have the slightest idea what their fan base wants.