Often enough, I have ideas. I am sure I am not the only one, having ideas on how to improve a gaming experience, how to add a little this, or how to add a little that.
Sometimes, one gets ideas while asking something of a GM, and suggest it. The answer is -always- the same. "Take it to the Dev-boards."
When one goes to the forums, one sees only one Dev-board: That of the PTR.
If you ask the GM if that's the one, they tell you no. The regular and general Dev-board, often read by Blizzard Employe's. If you'd descide to post suggestions in the PTR Dev-board, they are often moved to -GENERAL-... confusing, annoying and agitating.
So. Where is this 'general Dev-board'?
And if this board is and will always be the only Dev-board, could you inform the GM's there's only -one- Dev board, or leave suggestions there?
I have seen good suggestions being put in the dev board, to be moved within 10 minutes to General boards, only to be flooded away to page 7 or 8 within 20 minutes, by love-mail about how wonderful transmogrification is, to hate-mail on how annoying gnomes are.
I hope others see my point.